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Get familiar with the reaction system: Introducing the Reaction System

Octozänger proposed

A just for fun build - my third 8" 2-way. First was called Rompicollo, which used a couple buyout drivers. Second, I don't recall the name of off-hand, but it used the paper cone RS 8" and the original RS28.

For this, I think I will use the Human Speakers 8" PRO001. It is a true acoustic suspension woofer, as evidenced by this response in 0.75 cubic feet.This model is with 0.5 ohms added resistance, and all other WinISD settings to default. YMMV based on what modeler you use.

Tweeter very well could be the Beast Mode (C) DX25BG60.

Anyways, if I get the time to cut and glue panels this week.

I have a signature.


  • I look forward to this build. I haven't seen anyone use the Human drivers but listened to a number of EPI speakers back in the day when they were sold by the local high end audio dealer in the area.


  • ? Google yields all kinds of results but not what I was looking for.

  • edited October 2020

    I used to have a "vintage" Heathkit AS-16 that had bass response like that. They were great in the garage, gave them away when I moved a few years back. They were an 8" 2-way with paper cone tweeter, both with Alnico motors. Classic ;)

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • edited October 2020

    Oh yeah, this I love. I’m a big EPI fan and always wanted to play with the Human drivers. Cool project name by the way!

    I’ve got some EPI stuff here waiting for a project. Woofers need a little lovin..

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