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Philharmonic BMR HT Tower Review Discussion


  • Hard to believe that they can make a profit selling those for $4500 / pair.

    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
  • Those Mundorf AMT are the newer smaller model, and are not $500 each. They are currently $223 on sale. Figuring that and the Purifi, you are close to $1100/side w/o the BMRs. Depending on the BMR used, they can be fairly inexpensive. The xover uses mylar caps mainly, and small gauge coils. I bet $150 would cover for both.
    That comes to roughly $1300/speaker, plus cabinets.

    That only leaves $1900 for cabinets, R&D, and profit margin.

  • I've always thought that Dennis under charges for his speakers.

  • I couldn't understand how Dennis could break even with the "Affordable Accuracy Monitors" based on the Dayton BR-1 kits; new crossover parts, labour and they sold for not much more than BR-1 retail.

    I was tempted to make a pair with my cabinets, and Dennis was very helpful and kind in helping me; I didn't go ahead but I was struck by what a nice guy he was - like so many in this hobby.


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