So one of the three things I have been doing some initial design work on is ready to begin for real. I have cycled through a lot of 5-6" drivers in the last two years chasing just the right one - I want good extension, low distortion, good looks, and smooth response. These drivers are not as common as we might think - even the high end stuff like Revelators, Satori, Accuton all fall short on one of my requirements - generally bass extension but in the case of the Revelators, some difficulties in crossover work can occur.
I already have a tweeter in mind, in fact this high end monitor idea started with the extra pair of Viawave tweeters I have sitting around. These are the waveguide model, which I used in the Taiga.
Anyways, the chosen woofer is a 4 ohm carbon fiber coned Rival model. It is damn attractive, has a typical Rival damped response, world class motor, and models exceptionally well for a 5" driver. I also have a pair of the 8 ohm, but these are more sensitive - so they are the chosen one. So far I have done little more than spend some time in Unibox, so here are some models to get me started.
I targeted 10L as my intention is to repurpose a pair of gloss black Dayton cabinets. I will contract some nice baffles for this, however. Anyways, for now 10L is where I plan on being.
I did my modeling at 5W - I know that sounds low, but it will easily drive this to typical listening levels of around 85-86db after full baffle step compensation is applied. I may as well go on record now as an advocate of realistic modeling - meaning modeling excursion to typical listening levels, hell - the listening levels at a DIY are generally a touch louder than I usually engage in. For this particular woofer, a 2watt model would likely be pretty reasonable. It is fun when we find a driver that will model without exceeding Xmax at 20hz at 105db, but that is fucking loud. My little speakers were hitting 100db Saturday night - too damn loud. I digress.

As you can see, it extends fairly low for a 5" woofer. This woofer will easily do a solid EBS in this volume, as well. I see no reason to do so, as ports become problematic and I refuse to cut a hole in the side of those beautiful cabinets to throw in a PR. At typical listening levels, it has no problem with exceeding Xmax above ~32Hz. It will likely not do well with an extreme torture test, but time will tell. Most music, torture tracks included, lack a lot of output that low etc blah blah blah. I suspect this will do juuuuust fine.
As I really dislike pure simulations, I will just point out that this woofer is very smooth up past 3K, and has almost zero inductance rise. With some extra components the tweeter can play to 2500Hz or so, but my plans are to target something in the 2800-3000 LR2 range. That is about as far as I will go without getting them in a box.
Anyways, this is one of the designs I alluded to this weekend when I mentioned I will be bringing something nice next season!
I have a signature.