I'm planning a few projects out, and have a quad of poly W5-704D for woofers, and a pair of Curv-poly Seas FU10RB for mids. I'm really struggling with a tweeter choice, as they have to be smaller than 98mm diameter to make them look right against the mid. I also don't need to have a low-reacher as the mid covers well. 0.75/1.0 diameters both apply here. I also don't need a bunch of output, as the mid isn't sensitive to begin with but mates well for BSC. I am also not finding any poly domes I'd render 'usable', which would match materials.
I have the ND28F-6, but I used those with the W5s in the Canvas project and don't want a repeat. I've thought about using the modified ND28F-6 when I get the testing done there with the dimple conversion, but that still seems wrong to me. I don't want a re-do.
I have several ND20FB-4, but that I've also done before for 3-ways, and I want better caliber of driver here.
I have several CSS LD25X, pending measurement for viability, but then it would not be repeatable. Still- a viable option.
I have my modded RST28F-4, but that is too large for this.
Ribbons are too sensitive for this design, not to mention too large.
I've looked hard at the DX20 and Seas 22TFF, but nothing is really getting my attention.
So- what say you?
InDIYana Event Website
I loved the smaller faceplated SB26STCN tweeters I used in the Jonquils! They are great tweeters and I think they fit your criteria.
InDIYana Event Website
Otherwise a DX20? I think that is what that guy used in that nebulous spiral thing and I thought those sounded great.
Also at Madisound: THIEL H1715-06 Titanium Dome Tweeter (DRTV-060-01) with truncated flange 103.8mm x 81mm
We posted infinite baffle measurements for the new tweeters earlier this week: https://www.css-audio.com/online-store/CSS-LD25X-Pre-order-p144557321
Life has been super busy so we are still working on the full spec sheet.
I was just thinking why not find something in the 89dB range since I don't need the extra output. Other than that- the SB26STCN a viable choice as well.
I have used the ND25, and while I like it, I want to try something else.
I don't care for the SB19, and I don't want a waveguide tweeter, so the 13 is out too (I know I did not specify that).
I did not think about the NE tweeters at all. That's possible...
The 27TTFC Thiel is more robust than I need.
The 22TAF/G is a good tweeter, but I'm leaning silk dome this time.
This might end up as a 3.5 way for sensitivity reasons, or even run them in series, so we'll see which way this goes on output. The FU10RB-8 is only 82dB by itself, and I am hoping for a bit of BP gain. I can tweak the low-end a bit via filter, and maybe the Q of the rolloff. We'll just have to see what results there. I know the W5-704 will dig to 40Hz in 15 ltrs, as I've used it before, and 2 of them will work even better with more Sd on hand. It does not like to run past 2k without a dip, so it's more of a woofer than a midbass.
Thanks for the comments,
InDIYana Event Website
LD22- that's one I hadn't looked at either. Thanks!
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Thanks for all whom participated...
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