Buying a few dollars of electronic components and paying ~$7 shipping kinda sucks, but get 1% or 1/2% tolerance metal film 1/4 or 1/2 watt resistors from Mouser or Digikey or Allied Electronics. If you know some future projects already you can order some of their parts at the same time (power switches, IEC power jacks, etc.) and not feel so bad about the shipping.
Not sure you need to do any other verification besides measuring resistors/inductors. You probably did this but I'll mention it anyway - I'd also make sure to measure the leads closed up (empty loop) and get the read on their resistance. LIMP allows you to enter that as an offset for all measurements in calibration.
= Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
Its kindof cool :P
You can use a cheap jig to measure impedance and T/S.
It actually is very accurate once you calibrate it.