I was able to finish making the hickory case before the weather turned cold here. The top aluminum plate is 0.090" thick and is painted with Duplicolor 500F engine paint. The color is cast iron blast. Boy that stuff has terrible fumes but has a really nice finish! Probably should have been wearing a respirator. Anyway, here are some pictures of my progress so far:
I always wanted to get another pair of Quicksilver Mini-mights. 25 glorious watts of Ultralinear KT-88 operation....and a 12au driver.
Kit? More details?
Very cool.
Why not turn a wooden volume knob to match the case?
This is a scratch build, point-to-point wired, and is a circuit roughly based on a design Mikael Abdellah published in 2003. I say roughly because I have redesigned the first stage to use a 6DJ8 triode. I've also significantly changed the power supply design as I think it is nearly as important to the sound of a SET amp as the output tube and output transformer are. Output power will be about 12 wpc in Ultralinear mode (a toggle switch will select UL or triode mode). I prototyped the circuit and it sounded great!
Now the DIY-er rares its head.....Since you have done all the hard work, you gunna share?
Looking good! Where did you acquire the iron?
Anyone for group buy? I wouldn't be looking to make money on machining, Cost only.
Roman, do you have any tips for AL CNC? (on a regular wood router CNC)?