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Next project.

So I bought a couple nice looking drivers from Aliexpress, and am going to build a 2-way with them. Nothing fancy, likely just your basic cabinet with roundovers and a brace kind of thing. Since I only bought a pair of each, they were not exactly inexpensive so the value is absolutely not there but the cool factor cannot be estimated. I like doing designs with drivers other people do not use, so yeah.

Anyways, couple shots of the drivers themselves:

They definitely have "the look", although I doubt they are going to break any records for low distortion. The woofer, though, has about 8mm of overhang XMax. I bought them because they look cool and the double stacked magnet really interested me. The tweeter has a very low Fs of around 600Hz (if memory serves, been a few months since I ran sweeps on them) but it is a somewhat poorly designed rear chamber so it is lumpy, kind of like a Seas or an old school Scan Speak.

The woofer models fairly decently in a medium sized enclosure, so if I don't feel like sleeping all day Saturday I might just hack out a couple enclosures and get this project started. It should be able to hit low 50's F3 in 0.35 cubic feet, if I want to make something extra small I can hit low 60's in 0.23 cubic feet. Tweeter uses a 110mm faceplate, but that is workable in either cabinet.

Anyways, still feeling very tired and drained but otherwise not too bad. Weird feeling this exhausted when all I've done for almost a week now is sleep, watch TV, surf the net, and do some DIY.

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