PE has some laminate core inductors on buyout - these were from the big Orevox buyout that also produced a few values of NPE capacitors and an assortment of inexpensive woofers. I used to peruse their website, so I was really hoping some of the cooler drivers they sold would have made it to the buyout bin, but alas - no 3" dome mid, none of the really cool, classic looking dome tweeters. I did score a pair of really interesting 4" woofers, though.
I digress.
I bought 12 of the 3.5mH 19awg laminate core inductors, and six of the 12mH 20awg laminate core inductors. I measured them on my DER EE DE-5000 meter (which everyone should have - you will never consider using DATS again) and received these results:

The 12mH are a traditional size form factor - the 3.5mH use a smaller core. Not sure what that means, except for the types of builds I will be using these 3.5mH in I am not at all worried about saturation etc.
Hope this helps if you have been on the fence about some of these coils.
I have a signature.
1.0mH 20 Gauge Ferrite Bobbin Inductor
and my luck was not so good. A few crazy outliers and I found that they were very fragile.
The sold-out 3.0mH version, OTOH, I found to be pretty consistent. I unwound several to lower values and have been satisfied.