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How many drivers do you have?



  • Some like it, but the SB19 is not on my list to try, and I have a lot of tweeters already.
    The response is better at 2k on the sub120 than above, for flatness. I have options...

  • edited July 2023

    I see a disturbing pattern to my building collection of drivers > I come up with an idea for a built, spend months with my graph drawing paper and endless calculations, order the drivers and then get caught up in home projects not getting around to making sawdust. In the evenings I take a look at what is being built here, revisit some of my fav speaker design companies (several British) grab a bottle of cabernet and pull out my graph paper and… damn, I really need to go that direction. (I.e. X10 sub mksound, just with a pair of 7 or 8in drivers with a coaxial),

  • edited July 2023

    I’ve always like the impressive look of M&K subwoofers, but what are they exactly?

    Is it just 2 drivers in a single box? Is the driver with the exposed magnet sharing the same cabinet as the driver with the cone visible?
    Drivers are connected in parallel but in reverse electrical phase so they are both in same acoustic phase?

    One day I should build one for fun, with 2 drivers, I’d rather have 2 subs…

  • @tktran said:
    I’ve always like the impressive look of M&K subwoofers, but what are they exactly?

    Take a look at their webpage / white paper
    The X series is an interesting sealed design.

  • M&K made push pull subs, 2 occupying the same cabinet with one mounted in reverse and flipped polarity.

  • @Wolf

    What are the advantages of such a thing (apart from marketing or product differentiation) ?

  • edited July 2023

    Claimed (with measurements) advantages; offset some of the distortion inherent in the drivers' movements via a push-pull arrangement, and going with sealed skips the destructive (and constructive) interference as seen in both the steep falloff of vented / ported / pr designs, and added frequency interference (combing squiggles) above targeted range. Sealed approach requires more 'driver' than a vented system. It puts clean over just low as a priority.

    Vented done right works well, but sealed can provide advantages.

  • I recently sold a bunch on Ebay so that is a positive. I just sorted things in to potential projects and I do not need an additional 11 pair of speakers, two powered subs, and a bass shaker setup. I just do not.

    Expect a fire sale of some fairly nice drivers at IowaDIY.

    I have a signature.
  • Just ordered 2 more RSS210HO-8s.

    Going with a ~M&K push-pull design (net 4ohms), and will try bringing in what I 'learned' from my shrinking sealed / aperiodic vented box experiment (previously posted), only now with twice the Sd. Then I can switch in and out a top box with either Audio Nirvanas, Celestions, or Beyma coax's, for the mid/top end.

    So, I can add a pair of RSS210HO-4's to the Iowa for sale table (which happen to be backed ordered @PE, if anyone interested).

  • @jr@mac said:

    Expect a fire sale of some fairly nice drivers at IowaDIY.

    Will be bringing a gangsta roll of cash.

  • Who makes the RSS drivers for Dayton? Any ideas why the prices have more the doubled?

    I can now get Danish made Scan-Speak drivers at lower prices than Taiwanese made Dayton Audio RS/RSS.

    It's a bit of perverse universe. Or a good problem to have.

    Depending on how you look at the half glass of water.

  • edited July 2023

    The HE might be, but the original RSS too? Is the RSS210HF-4 now $200?
    Nope, it's $139 now. Not twice...

  • Weren’t the original RS225 like $35?

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