My shop area is small so space is at a premium. The old table while serving me well has seen better days and was long over due to be retired.
So i searched around for ideas, drew up a gob of plans, and created what should last me a good long time.
Old table and shop. Yes, its messy. Dont judge!

To the right of the drill press will be a router table. I will also be adding in Rockler T tracks for a fence and hold downs. A dust collection system is being upgraded as well.
I had a bunch of 2x4s already so no money there. So as of now, i have about $80 into it. Time wise about 8-10hrs.
As it sits now i have at least 3ft on 3 sides and about 28" on the "deadside" behind the drill press. I will use thar corner for the dust collection.