Been many years since I started the hunt for these two tweeters from the glory days of Realistic, and the other night on Ebay I found a listing that contained a pair of each (plus some other stuff) for less than the last single pair of used that I saw! The listing was three minutes old when I hit "buy it now"!

Items of interest are the 40-1370 and 40-1374 dome tweeters. Very rare, rare enough in fact that Radio Shack does not list them on their support page.
The other old tweeters are a mismatched, but strikingly similar pair of vintage add-on tweeters. Should be cool if I ever get around to doing a serious vintage build... Love the retro styling on them!

I suspect the one on the right is missing a faceplate, or it is still in the box. Either way, will be fun to see what those are all about.
Very happy right now, there are only a few drivers from Realistic I am still looking for - I want a pair of the fabled 40-1197/FE-103, for example.
Enough for now, though - I am going to enjoy my summer building speakers I could only dream about 25 years ago.
I have a signature.
I didn't discover PE until 20 years later. And I just today realized I've been doomed to this hobby for longer than I'd realized.