I understand distortion from a clipping amp but all I know is that divers can "fall apart" when the volume is turned up. Especially cheap drivers with simple motors. Can somebody explain what exactly is happening when a driver goes into fart mode.
Any particular driver giving you problems?
I did a quick and dirty woofer swap in my 2000 GMC 1500 so there are may problems with the install right of the bat. As well as getting them clean power. I may clean it up our just wait and do it correctly with good divers and subs I have on hand. This summer if time permits as the truck is being used by a friend that is 4 hours away.
This is the woofer I used.
Johnny touched on a couple of good points, too. Inadiquate venting and porous dust capa cam add up to quite a bit of audible fart sound when a driver is pushed.
I have also found harder materials such as Al cones to have less far, but when they are pushed beyond their limits its not a gentile push, rather BAM! You found the limit! Or Accutons let you know by simply shattering!
It is strange. Cost has zero correlation to how well a speaker does when pushed. Scans and Seas tend to behave best, I have found. Goldwood and MCM also lead the pack in terms of going gently into the night.
Some of the worstI have encountered: SB, Morel, Dayton (eapically the RS and DS line)...
Bare in mind we are talking extremes. Many drivers work just dandy when pushed a little. Not that many can keep their composure and seemingly "self protect" when pushed beyond 90%