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W3-871S - Need a new home

edited October 2023 in DIY

I have 8 of these, need to DATS them to make sure they are still in working order. Seemed to be popular back in the day. Any suggestions?



  • A small MTM might be nice.

  • Could put a ring radiator in the middle of the mtm and call them the horny toads.

  • The W3-871S was a very popular full range. It was the most sold for a while. Basically, a notch on the upper mids to reduce the shout and highpass at 100Hz along with a sealed small box was how they were used mostly. However, the dust on those has me concerned that there may be particulates down in the gap. That would not be good. Invert them to face down propped up to not smash the surround, and play a low sine wave to oscillate the grit and hopefully expel it from the gap. Sometimes you get lucky.
    They were sold by Solen, PE, and CSS.
    Jim Griffin used IIRC 24 of them in a slender line array with some Aurum Cantus G1 ribbons back in 2004.
    LouC used them as mids in one of his builds, they were red speakers.
    They were used in the original wychang Cyburgs-Needles.
    The cheaper W3-593SF had the same silver embossed paper cone and shielded motor in a different pincushion silver frame, and was only recently discontinued.
    If you want the parallel LCR network, I believe Google will find it pretty easily.

    Hope they are valid, as they were very good sounding.

  • edited October 2023

    @Wolf said:
    LouC used them as mids in one of his builds, they were red speakers.

    Hope they are valid, as they were very good sounding.


  • @Nicholas_23 said:
    I believe a gave a pair of these to JR years ago , pretty sure he did a build with them. Maybe he will chime in .

    The ones you gifted me had the greyish aluminum cone, phase plug, and a cast frame. Yes, I did a build with them:

    Little dusty and paint needs a polish but still going strong. Built them for the wifes office, but now she works from home so they sit idle. I hook them up on occasion, they are a good sounding speaker.

    I have a signature.
  • That might be a winter project, polishing these up.

    OP: You have an awesome stash of those, hope they are OK and find a good home whether in your own design or after being sold to someone else.

    I have a signature.
  • They were installed in a car some time ago and then pulled when it was getting scrapped. I still need to take Ben's recommendation to cleaning them and test. Some have rust on the baskets.

  • JR/Nick, those are W4-657.

  • They are clearly marked W3-8*** in the OP's pic.

  • Steve, i was commenting on the drivers Nick and JR used prior. Those were W4-657.

    The OP indeed clearly has W3-871S 3" drivers.

  • Ooops - Sorry - I was on the wrong off-topic, topic . . . =)

  • I still need to get these tested, but do not have a plan for them or space to store them. Anyone interested in the drivers? If there is, I may break them into pairs.

  • How much for a pair plus shipping to 63670?

  • Testing them now....

  • Here are 6 of them

  • Really good QC even after all this time.

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