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Beware of phishing emails

edited August 2024 in Announcements

I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir here, since the majority of you are very tech savvy. However, I've been seeing an uptick in phishing emails that purport to be originating from MAC.

Please note, once you become a member, we will NEVER EVER send an email about your "expiring password." In fact we rarely send emails at all and if we do they will originate from me, JR or Jason.

Please DM me if you have any questions/concerns.

My signature goes here


  • I've been getting lots of fake invoices with phone numbers to call. I recently ran across this video where they mess with the scammers which is kind of fun. It also gives an overview of how Indian scammers operate. These people are evil.


  • I've done that a bit. They called and told me they were from Microsoft, and that my PC was infected. They directed me to the error registry and then said it was worse than they thought and that they would have to fix it. I bet I had them on the phone for 45 minutes to the point where they started asking for funds. I clicked off the DSL modem, told them how I felt about what they were doing, that I had their methods down, was calling the BBB to inform them of their process, and to not call me again. The BBB was very thankful to know how this process was occurring so they could inform others, and surprised that I knew what was going on and didn't let them scam me.
    I wasted the scammers time.

  • Nice story Bro!


  • These bastards are everywhere, from email to mobile phone scams; every day I get calls from numbers which only ring twice, leave no message (or if they do there's a nasty attachment if you open it) and if you call the number back you're charged at a premium rate of which they get a share.

    There are people pretending to be your bank, credit card or internet provider, or from the Tax Office etc etc - we just delete them straight away.


  • If only our FBI could get their head out of their ass and focus on the consumer …

  • I've been getting two or three emails a week from 'Amazon' telling me my account has changed and asking for details - I just delete them straight away. There have also been bogus messages which seem at first glance to come from the Tax Office, Medicare and PayPal: all crook.


  • I just received one from the Bank of Ghana, telling me I can claim next of kin status for a tourist who died in a car crash and didn't have a Will. All I have to do is provide my bank account and personal details to the bank, and they'll share $4.5m with me!


    Straight to the Bin.


  • I got one a few days ago asking if I was going to play golf today. I've read it's supposed to seem like a wrong number. They want to engage and play the long game to snare you into a "friendship".

  • . . . Kinda like dating one day and finding yourself in common law divorce the next . . .

  • edited August 2024

    I got one supposedly from Jim Griffin, asking if I ordered through Amazon before.
    1- why would he ask me about it?
    2- I haven't heard directly from Jim in a while now.
    3- no sign on or off saying who it was.

    I replied to see about verification, asking what state he lived in, and how many kids he has. No reply of course.
    Darn AI and tricky phishing scavengers....

  • I just tried to purchase $2k+ worth of LiFePO4 cells, through PayPal, from China. Legitimate seller. Left the bank 30 minutes ago letting them know exactly what was up. They give a thumbs up. Go to make the payment ... denied. After 30 minutes of phone calls to the bank ... denied.

    Yeah, guess it's good to know the bank is trying to protect my $, but I'd bet a dollar to every donut if a real hacker wanted my money he'd be able to get it easier than I can.

  • Another one this morning, from someone claiming to be very ill and offering to donate $12.5m to a Church of my choice if I would provide bank account etc. I'm getting sick of these scams and wonder how these characters get our email addresses.


  • At work we changed internet/server protection/firewall (Baracuda?) about 3 months ago. I don't get ones quite that bad but the new system allows a bunch of stupid spam through everyday. I get 10-20 bogus emails everyday. A few do seem to be bad with their "click here" links. I just mark everyone of them as spam and delete them if it comes from someone I'm not familiar with. All my important business contacts that I deal with regularly have my cell number and reach out to me that way 99% of the time.

  • About the only good thing I can say about our corporate IT dept is they have an amazing email filter. I haven't received a single spam email in 4 years. It did block some of our client domains when they first set it up, but were quick to whitelist them.

  • When I get a phishing email at work, usually is a test campaign from our IT team. If you click in the link, you'll be bound to training for safety.

  • Yep, I reported one of those the other day, and got an attaboy!

  • Ugh, a few weeks ago had a woman up on our floor asking a bunch of questions about the company without anouncing where she was from. May have just been sales, but seemed awful lot like social engineering/pen test to me.

  • We had an official looking email this morning to say we needed to re-validate our credit cards. It looked authentic, with even the bank logo and form of words correct. However, instead of saying 'log into your bank' it gave a link - a big no no. It also said to update the bank phone app, which we don't have.

    Straight into the bin; I rang my bank to report it and they didn't seem very interested.

    Yesterday I had a phone call and Whats App message from California, where I don't know anyone (I checked the area code after deleting the number and message). Turns out it was a scam from Indonesia which uses a Californian number to get around various blocking systems.



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