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Get familiar with the reaction system: Introducing the Reaction System

An afternoon of testing and fun

My buddy Mike decided to ditch the 3ways we built for him a few years ago. The UM12 just wasn't doing it for him. Anyway, he dropped off the upper cabinets for a redesign of the crossover. This was the result of a couple of hours. Not shabby I think. Drivers are the Eclipse W6520R and Dayton RS28F. 2nd order on both, damped on the woofer with a 1R. 1/48 octave scale 


  • Sealed enclosure .63 cubes. 
  • What's going on the bottom?
  • Probably the dual um12s crossed actively. Or a lab15
  • Is that reverse null a real measurement?
  • PWRRYD said:
    Is that reverse null a real measurement?
    Ditto - I have never though of trying a measurement with the tweeter inverted.
  • Ditto - I have never though of trying a measurement with the tweeter inverted.
    If you want to verify the crossover region. but as Craig, the actual measurement is not usually as pronounced as the Sim. So, if this is the actual measurement, (which looks like it is) it indicates a great phase matching in the crossover region.
  • That is the measured null Craig. I am a little concerned with how low the crossover point is considering Mikes listening habits. The guy could make ac/dc ask to turn it down!

    When I took the raw measurements on the combined of both drivers, it showed a similar null centered at 3k. I knew right then what the slopes would be. I may try a series crossover as well. 
  • Hi Chuck.  I hope it didn't sound like I didn't trust your measurement.  I do.  I know that you and I follow the Highest standard Ever :+1:  I use reverse null when sim'n, but I've never been able to actually measure a nice clean dip like that. Great job Brother!
  • Oh no problem Craig. I would have asked too! Hell i was surpised everything matched so well. 
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