As most of you know, I recently completed my arrays. Have very little experience with sealed enclosures so I'm hoping you guys can tell me if what I've done is OK or wrong. According to the bags instructions, recommended stuffing is 1/2lb per cubic foot. The arrays internal volume is right at 1.5 cu ft. By the math, this would mean I needed 3/4lb per cabinet. The cabinet is a "V" shape internally and is divided into 5 sections, 2 woofers per so this breaks down to .15Ib of Acousta-Stuf per section. Used a small scale we have at work and weighed out five batches and then split that evenly to apply it in each "V" section of the cabinet.
The cabinets were also lined with 3/4" Sonic Barrier. Now, for the question. Should I have recalculated the internal volume since the Sonic Barrier reduced the open space in the cabinets? I'm attaching some pics, maybe you will be able to tell just by looking if the cabs are overstuffed or not. The first picture is just so you understand how the cabinet is shaped internally. The last pic really isn't relevant but I'm a proud father and love the fact my son likes to help any chance he can. When your dealing with this many drivers and screws, having recruits available is a good thing.

Under-stuffed I can probably live with, over-stuffed, not so much. Sorry for the nightmares.:)
Thanks. The baffles are Karelian Birch, rest of the enclosure is Sapele.
That wire management feels good.
Thank you Sir! Sometimes I get a little carried away with the details but these worked out great.
I wish! Imagine where we would all be in this hobby if we started at that age.:) I hope his interest continues to grow. We will be starting on his MWAF project soon, that should be a lot of fun walking him through everything and he should learn a lot in the process.