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Sheet metal CNC work

Ok, calling on my bros. I need to get some chassis made for my bass amp project. I have a possibility here in town, but it's a bit of a long shot. As an alternate plan, would like to see if anyone in our crew has access or ability to design a program that I can take to a shop here to have a sheet metal chassis cut out. I have a way to bend it, I just need it cut out.

I've included pics of my mock up to give you an idea of what I want made. I know there will be some prototyping to get everything to fit/line up. I'll gladly pay for services rendered.



  • I have links to the parts for mounting holes/spacings if we get that far.

  • Nice mock-up!

  • If you can fold it you can cut aluminum with normal wood working tools. The extra cost for aluminum would probably be cheaper than CNC sheet metal. Also for holes over 1/2in I make 3D printed templates.

  • I know I could fab each one by hand, but I'd like repeatability. Having a way to just say I need ten of these cut would be ideal. Then have all the holes exactly where they're supposed to be.

  • I think you want a CNC plasma or water jet to cut those.

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • Or laser, either way I need someone proficient in a CAD software to lay it all out. I've tried Fusion 360 and it's just not intuitive enough for me not to scream at it to do what I want it to do.

  • I can draw it in AutoCad if that's all you need. Let me know what units. Looks like you spec'ed mm, not sure if everyone likes those. Probably need better pics.

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • edited February 2024
    I've not used them myself, but I think I heard some prices a while ago and seemed very reasonable. Though looks like you already have a place scoped out.

  • ^ it says on that site that they can work from a sketch or template as well:

  • Yeah, I scoped them out. It's an option. Also theres a couple makers places here. I'd like to "keep it in the family" if possible, why I asked here first.

  • SendCutSend is a great place BUT you will have to have your drawings or DXF files perfect and I suggest to get one made for prototyping from them before bulk ordering. Good luck 6thplanet machinists around here are swamped so if you don’t have at least 250 pcs for them they don’t care about you.

  • Yeah, that's why I'd like to be close by for prototyping, but I'll do whatever it takes.

  • My local guy got back to me. Price is reasonable, so Im gonna give him a shot.

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