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My name is...

edited May 28 in DIY

My name is Erik Kroll and I am a driverholic.



  • edited May 27

    Hi, Erik!!


  • Hi Eric! The Nakamichi OMS 2A was my first CD player. Bought in β€˜88, crapped out in β€˜92. 😒 Part of my fist β€œreal” stereo paired with the Nakamichi SR2A receiver sounded great to me 😁. The NAK CD player was replaced with a cheap Sony carousel- just not the same πŸ˜•

  • Sorry - Erik πŸ˜‰

  • It could be a lot worse. At this point, I should build isobaric as often as possible so I use more drivers.

  • You mean, "Use-up more of my existing driver stock" . . . right?

  • Hi, Erik, we understand you here.

  • Sup Erik...with a k.😬's good to have options, the more, the merrier!

  • Hey Erik, Welcome. Have you ever watched the interview with Sigfried Linkwitz When he had fallen ill and was lying in bed? It is excellent as he tries to express his rational for this pursuit. His words through his tears are the most excellent of all.

  • Link, Eggie?

  • Yeah, can't say I've seen it either...

  • I think this is the interview Egguy is referring to. Linkiwitz was a genius, don't let anyone fool you into thinking otherwise (*cough Danny).

  • edited May 28

    Thanks for finding this for us, Kenny!

    "For the Beauty and goodness"

    I get that - I wish more did . . .

  • That's it. So when I start feeling burnt out or I feel like I'm being selfish. I put my project on hold. I put it on a shelf were its out of the way but I can still see it when I pass by. And the thoughts about truth, beauty and goodness eventually bring me back to it. Until I run out of time.

  • I was sitting there. In my basement room and jusy looked over and saw drivers everywere and thought, this is an addiction, lol!

  • Anything you love doing or passionate about is an addiction. Look at your drum kit.😎

  • edited May 28

    Yeah, all too often we can hoard more drivers than we can ever use.

    I have a signature.
  • And then you have speaker builds in enter your dreams when sleeping

  • Yep, been there....

  • @6thplanet said:
    Anything you love doing or passionate about is an addiction. Look at your drum kit.😎

    Yes, and I have two of them that size, lol!

  • @traw said:
    And then you have speaker builds in enter your dreams when sleeping

    Probably the most pleasent way I lull myself to sleep.

  • @tommytunes50 said:
    Hi Eric! The Nakamichi OMS 2A was my first CD player. Bought in β€˜88, crapped out in β€˜92. 😒 Part of my fist β€œreal” stereo paired with the Nakamichi SR2A receiver sounded great to me 😁. The NAK CD player was replaced with a cheap Sony carousel- just not the same πŸ˜•

    Added the CR-2.

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