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Get familiar with the reaction system: Introducing the Reaction System

Trying to keep out of trouble; impedance question.

edited October 15 in DIY

I’ve been playing with VituixCad setting a LP 1st order on a 4ohm woofer with a HP 1st order on an 8ohm full-ranger with varying -3dB target levels on each driver, to look at the affect on the system’s impedance load to an amp. I.e. a) with a large overlap where the LP (woofer) is set at 400Hz with the HP (full ranger) set at 100Hz, and b) with a disconnect / hole with a LP at 200Hz and a HP at 800Hz. The ‘goal’ of this exercise is just to look at extremes to see if either largely overlapping or underlapping a 4ohm woofer with an 8ohm full ranger gets the system’s impedance below 4ohms, i.e. as would be the case by paralleling (without a crossover) these two drivers. I didn’t see any issues, but wanted to check with this group as I’ve been known to mess up modeling in the past. Additionally, do differing orders have unique issues I should be aware of?



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