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I have a couple designs using the Cabrini name. First was a 2-way using the GRS poly 6.5" and the 3x7 piezo tweeter. It was... ok. Featured in a PE flier so that was cool.
Next iteration was the same woofer using the GRS dome tweeter. Much improved and they actually made a midwest tour lol. Several people had them in their possession for awhile.
Third iteration used the Dayton waveguide tweeter. I was never satisfied with this version, so I don't think I released information on it.
This version is a different animal, it is going to be a 2-way with the poly GRS 8" "subwoofer" and the Dayton silkie. I will be naming it "Cabrini the Last". Cabrini is the patron saint of immigrants, so I chose that to honor my Irish grandparents as they were from the old country, both sides of my families actually emigrated in the 30s.
This is a project I am going to squeeze between the one I just finished and my next serious build using the big Heil tweeter.
Anyway, I am going to start the cabinet design process here shortly. Will update as I go.
Wait - what 8 inch GRS? I threw a pair of the 8SW-4 in an order that should be here next week. The plan is to build a new set of shop speakers.
That's the one, Tom.
Cabrini Fini.
Also the name of a very good private hospital in Melbourne (Oz)
Bass alignment, modeled with Qa of 0.2 and series resistance of 0.35 (I anticipate no more than a single laminate core coil on this one). Resulting Q is 1.1 or so, 2db ripple at 80Hz. Should have a bit of a kick to it. Note: a while back I did a 3-way using this woofer and the GRS mid and the Dayton Audio designer tweeter. This design uses same cabinet dimensions, so it would be possible to re-purpose those cabinets by making a new baffle.
Here is the CAD for the cabinet. 1" round-over is what I will be using. Reasonably well braced. Big boys, will need a stout stand so I will possibly design one of those as well. Should make for a nice tower, as well. Call it 2.0 cubic feet. Not a huge difference in the bass, but would make for a cool looking design.
What de-ell is 8.305, 15.710, 7.555, and 2.790?
Golden ratio derivative?
Prolly just JR making fun of mixing inch and metric measurements on the same schematic disguised as ridiculously precise dimensions not easily attainable with wood working tools/materials.
Chatter about housing projects and wonderment about measurements aside.
You are on a roll and in a groove - go with it.
I dont make fun of anyone, I leave that to assholes.
I bet that is the dimensions surrounding the woofer. Because that is where it looked good. And actual numbers don't matter much when you can have the parts CNCed out. Not knocking it. I would too if I had access to it.
After that 3-way, your comments about the woofer's extension and rollof had haunted me of doing a possible 2-way with it. Glad you are making it happen so that monkey can get back in the coffin (and off my back).
Slow progress on this currently - my CNC guy is rebuilding his machine and it is too cold in my garage to cut them myself. Ugh, already tired of winter.
CNC back up and running, and time is available on it. I will shoot print over his way and should have cabinets in a week or two.
I want these done before Indy.
I always liked the sound of the DC28F but hated the sticky dome.
Same here. I also hated the fact that there were only 3 mounting holes and the faceplate was fairly flimsy plastic... so I made a template and added 3 more holes. Six screws was plenty solid enough.
My parts done.
I'll be picking these up on Monday. Hope to have measurements and initial xo work done by Friday.
Well, got a wild hair and spend the last three hours playing with these. I accepted early on that there will be a few compromises due to the driver complement, so with that understanding I realized I could get these done rather quick, and I did.
On the stand. Measured and voiced at approximate listening height.
Raw driver responses:
Six components yielded this, note some moderate phase fuckery centered at 4K:
Simple network (note reverse polarity on tweeter):
Relatively benign impedance, all things considered:
These will definitely play louder than I normally listen and should have no problems filling a DIY venue. Similar bass impact as the 3-way I used these woofers in, but lacks some of the "magic" the three way has. 8" cone-and-a-dome 2-ways are really inherently compromised. However, stay more or less on axis and toe them in to minimize early reflections and they do just fine.
If there is interest, I will do a full writeup. I intend on publishing this one over at PETT since the entire project can be sourced through them. I think Brad might be able to do better, however, if it comes to that. Be advised quite a few components including the woofers show OoS. I plan on spec'ing Dayton Audio poly caps to save some coin, although I am personally using Audyn because that is what I had on hand in those values. Brad's caps are a nice upgrade from the Dayton.
I've been thinking a long time about closing out the Cabrini saga and would have done so earlier had I been up to it. It is kind of a bittersweet feeling, to be honest. These are definitely the best of the series so I feel I am leaving on a high note, but there is a good chance this will be one of my my last easily replicated designs. I'm going back to using oddball stuff or experimenting with cabinet shapes again. That's where I have been happiest in this hobby, that and cranking out inexpensive "for the hell of it" builds. I have used Purifi and Raaaaaaaaal and I have used GRS and everything in between and I am happiest just designing and plugging along as long as the design is interesting to me.
If you have these drivers on hand, give these a shot - you won't be disappointed in my humble opinion.
Oh, cabinet drawing above is wrong. Won't fit together if you cut them like that. Feel free to roundup/down some of my wonky measurements to make it more tape measure friendly as well. A 1/4" here and there is no big deal, including on the roundovers. We used 1" on these but a 3/4" roundover will be almost as good.
Now, since I actually left work early due to a severe cold developing I need to crawl into bed. Be well, all.
Sweet build! Feel better soon JR.
The other tweeter does not have the peak at 10k. Nice.
Ordered another silkie, hope it doesn't also have that peak at 10k. If it does, so be it. I will just match pairs and move on.
Should have taken my 1 good one on the shelf.
Never even thought about that.