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  • Damn

    I have a signature.
  • Met Jim at my first ever speaker event in Dayton 2002. He was a gentle soul. He's mostly known in audio circles for his work with TLs, open-back, and Line Arrays, and authored some white papers on the LA subject.
    He was always a welcome presence at the Dayton and KY area events.

  • Great gentleman, and always willing to help us noobs. Gate, Gate, Paragate, Bodhiswaha

    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
  • Oh man! That is sad. Really nice guy and of course, fellow speaker geek. Definitely missed. I wondered whatever happened to him as haven't seen him in a bit.

  • I thought he was "hifijim" over on the DIY Audio site.

  • edited January 20

    Nope, they are 2 different people. hifijim came to Indy 2 years ago.

  • I only had the pleasure of meetng Jim once, at Indy. We sat together at lunch and had a very nice time. He was so brilliant to talk to but unpretentious.

  • RIP. I only met him once, a long time ago, at an event put on around Atlanta by (I think) Gordon Waters. Dr. Griffin brought the first line arrays he worked on with the late Rick Craig (another gentleman in the hobby). “Unpretentious” is an apt description.

  • Yep, those were the Linus Arrays. Several DA175 woofers adjacent to the original Dayton PT2-A. I think there were 8 planars in each tower. The PT2-A was really only good to about 3k 2nd order and 2.5k 3rd order in singles. Once you add a lot more together, Jim and Rick were able to get them to behave and xover around 2.1kHz.
    I have a picture of Jim standing next to one tower somewhere...

  • Several designs that stick in my head are;
    PHL/Aurum Cantus MTM, meant for a 1W amplifier.
    Jordan JX92 design paired with Aurum Cantus ribbons.
    FR125/WR125 bipolar mini towers.
    Smart as a Fence post, used my Audinums design in a plastic fence post MLTL.
    Linus Arrays
    I think these were called Needles, a single AC G1 ribbon, flanked by 8x or 12x W3-871S.
    Open-back dipoles using the Hawthorne waveguided Beyma TPL150 to a B&C 10" at 900Hz, and 18" woofer.
    MLTL version of PaulC's Speedster.
    The MTM with HIVI TN25 and a pair of Aura NS3 in an MLTL. They dug into the upper 30Hz range.

  • just saw this, sad.

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • @jhaider said:
    RIP. I only met him once, a long time ago, at an event put on around Atlanta by (I think) Gordon Waters. Dr. Griffin brought the first line arrays he worked on with the late Rick Craig (another gentleman in the hobby). “Unpretentious” is an apt description.

    Oh, Christ! You were there? So were me and my wife. The line array was pretty awesome.
    Neat to not have a sweet spot.
    Got me interested.

    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
  • @rjj45 said:

    @jhaider said:

    Oh, Christ! You were there? So were me and my wife. The line array was pretty awesome.
    Neat to not have a sweet spot.
    Got me interested.

    I was the guy who brought the issues of Klang+Ton and HobbyHiFi for everyone to peruse. I had just moved back to ATL from Vienna.

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