So even with all the robotic machinery involved, there’s still plenty of human steps.
So how are we gonna to bring these jobs home (to USA, AUS, CAN etc) when our minimum wages are an order of magnitude higher than overseas?
Just came back from vacation to visit the in-laws in Taiwan, where minimum wage is half that of AU, but even then it was very hard to buy anything Made in Taiwan/ROC that would make the misuse loud and proud. That ship sailed in the 2000s.
Here’s what they (Taiwan Taxi Service) have in their stock standard taxi’s now:
Anyone got a hankering to buy a Crazy Dance product (Eg. Y_ brand PS 7000 amplifier or J_ brand PRX 715 speaker) now?
Or Made in USA Krell, Australia Halcro or Canadian Bryson product, but with an extra 0 to the price.
So even with all the robotic machinery involved, there’s still plenty of human steps.
So how are we gonna to bring these jobs home (to USA, AUS, CAN etc) when our minimum wages are an order of magnitude higher than overseas?
Just came back from vacation to visit the in-laws in Taiwan, where minimum wage is half that of AU, but even then it was very hard to buy anything Made in Taiwan/ROC that would make the misuse loud and proud. That ship sailed in the 2000s.
Here’s what they (Taiwan Taxi Service) have in their stock standard taxi’s now:

Anyone got a hankering to buy a Crazy Dance product (Eg. Y_ brand PS 7000 amplifier or J_ brand PRX 715 speaker) now?
Or Made in USA Krell, Australia Halcro or Canadian Bryson product, but with an extra 0 to the price.