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New project, "The Quagmires"

Since Brad was so distraught over my tossing out the last project, I braved the cold weather today and cut some wood to start a suitable replacement project:

More to follow after my fingers, nose, and ears warm back up.



  • edited February 1

    mdf + solid wood baffles - should be interesting

  • Won't be an issue. The solid wood baffles will be bolted on (i.e. removable). So no splitting boxes.

  • So out in the cold and in my haste I messed up and cut the top, bottom, and side to side braces 8" wide when they should have been 8.5" wide. I hate when I make silly mistakes. Luckily I had enough extra MDF on hand and it's 10° warmer here today. I just finished cutting the correct sized pieces. Time to sit down and relax with the family.

  • edited February 3

    Edit because a pretty stupid gif

  • @PWRRYD said:
    So out in the cold and in my haste I messed up and cut the top, bottom, and side to side braces 8" wide when they should have been 8.5" wide.

    Not surprised it was a 1/2 inch short, it is cold outside...

  • The good thing about MDF is the mistakes & scraps can come in handy in future speaker projects or jigs.

  • I have edge glued MDF back together to make bigger panels

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • Edge glued MDF works surprisingly well.

  • My indiyana project is done like that, great way to use up scraps.

  • Just realized I never mentioned what drivers I will be using on this project

    CSS LDW7
    Morel ST1048
    SB 8" PR

    I think they should meld well together.

  • I am still undecided on my crossover for my chubby faced eggs. They use that same tweeter. Currently I am listening to them with 2nd ord. slopes at 2K but I am going to try a new one at 2.4K with better phase tracking. I am also going to try a large wedge that will go between the speaker and stand and give me a sloped baffle. If you would share your crossover development process and thoughts it would be helpful to me. Thanks, Old New Guy. Thats me, not you.

  • I had considered building these with a sloped baffle to allow LR2 acoustic slopes. I may try your wedge idea because I have really liked my projects that pulled off LR2.

  • @kenrhodes said:
    Edge glued MDF works surprisingly well.

    I've never tried that. I'll keep that in mind in the future.

  • Since this project is using above average drivers (at least compared to my normal standards) I'm going to stretch my budget and try some nicer crossover components. For sure only air core inductors throughout. Probably 14, 15, or 16 gauge air cores for the woofers' low pass. Maybe foil inductors for the tweeters' filters. Undecided on any brand or series of caps at this point. Thinking a step or two up from Audyn Q4's. Not sure what that would be. Certainly not caps that cost more than the drivers do.

  • Jantzen silver maybe?

  • edited February 5

    Those ASC 387X or 386X caps you use in tube amps, Craig, are great xover caps as well, and not that expensive.
    Dan and Kerry use the Jantzen Z-Superiors in their products with upgrades, but thought the Audyn Plus were a close second. If you are looking for the 'spatial bloom' that gives the holographic effect a lot favor with an expansive soundstage; avoid ClarityCap products, and use one of these:

    • Audyn Plus, marginal spatial increase.
    • ASC 387X/386X, more space than Plus, better details.
    • Jantzen Superior-Z, more space same detail quality.
    • Jantzen Silver-Z, even a bit more space than Superior, but same details.
    • AuriCap, on par with the Jantzens above.
    • SoniCap I, by some sound a bit bright in detail, more space than CC, but not as much spatially as the above choices.
    • MultiCap PPMFX, same kind of detail quality as SoniCap I, but a little more reserved in character, decent spatially, better than SoniCaps in my opinion.

    If I would suggest a tweeter cap from the above list, I'd suggest the SoniCaps or MultiCaps for the Morel tweeters as I've heard the SoniCap/Morel combo before and thought it was well aligned.
    I have not found using more than a Solen FC across a woofer to be warranted in most cases. Solen Silvers also work well here.
    The Jantzen Litz-wax coils at PE are very cost effective choice for woofers, and the Cross-Coil foils for the tweeter are also good value. No need to really go over 16AWG in terms of DCR in most cases, IMO.

  • edited February 5

    @ugly_woofer said:
    Jantzen silver maybe?

    I'd second considering Jantzen silvers, and ClarityCap PUR. I've recently used both.

    A bit of a sales piece, but some descriptive info on the PURs:
    (and sold through Madisound)

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