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Reliable multifunction remote?

edited March 21 in Related

We have been using an RCA 6 in 1 multifunction remote for a while. We use it primarily for the roku streaming so the direction buttons get quite the workout. Only get a couple years out of them. Going on the third one, and this one is playing up now too. I like the scalability of it because I'm planning to add a cd player and dvd player at some point. But it sucks to program each time i haveto replace it. Especially if i am going to add more devices.

Has anyone found a higher quality remote?

Maybe i am just destined to create my own documentation of the programming process and codes for each device to try and lessen my headache two years from now.


  • Logitech Harmony remotes were great, but i don't think they make them anymore. I still have mine.

  • edited March 15

    Oh, there was a Toid video recently about him finally replacing his Harmony with something he was happy with.

  • edited March 16

    Yeah not doing phone apps. Probably just going to be an "old man yells at clouds" thing. I wouldn't be surprised if we are on the tail end of typical IR remotes in the industry and I just need to take what I can get.

    Looks like that RCA rcrn06gz is falling out of stock at places (likely being discontinued). I picked up a GE 33712 to get us by for the moment and see where we go from here. The small recessed "OK" button is a little awkward. The streaming button was already setup for roku which is nice, but I had to set the volume default to the Denon instead of TV. Win some lose some.

  • I use a Sofabaton.

    I have a signature.
  • In the ‘older dayz’ we just sent the kid to the TV to adjust the hanger / aluminum foil antenna, channel and volume. The wife drew the line at having the kid pull another cold one from the fridge. Wait, that was me as a kid…

  • I use a infared (IR) type remote with my windows media center PC (line of sight reception to IR receiver unit on PC). But it does work as good as my wireless keyboard and mouse, which transmit in the GHz range to a small receiver plugged into a usb port. The wireless keyboard and mouse respond instantly and consistently, whereas my IR remote often "hangs" for several seconds before accepting commands. Wish I could find a media center remote that works as good as my keyboard and mouse do. So far no luck.

  • I still use an old harmony one.

  • edited March 16

    I just had a facepalm moment figuring out "Sofabaton" actually has a meaning and I didn't see it immediately. As in: a baton you wield from your sofa.

    (Music) A slender wooden stick or rod used by a conductor to direct an orchestra, band, or other musical group.

  • edited March 21

    Looks like RCA changed versions over time. The previous one we had (from Menards) was an RCRN06GR. The new ones I ordered from Menards were RCRN06GBE. Denon is completely absent from the new code list under Audio receiver/ amplifier. And the old codes aren't accepted on the new remote. I tried finding the old code on the old remote and cross referencing it to another brand, but no luck. Kinda hosed

    Menards lists it as RCRN06GZ but sent RCRN06GBE. ugh

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