Undecided on the name. Definitions for the drivers used, Cherry Bombs for the possible finish and the fact that these will be loud!
Active/Passive setup. Minidsp between woofer and tops. Adcom gfa555 bridged to bottom and Kenwood m1(?) to the tops. Drivers (all Eminence) Definimax 4012ulf-8s, 2 cube ported fb of 36ish, Beta8cx and N151M8, sealed.
Cabinets are PA styled tapered, 3/4 11ply birch. Baffle, top, and bottom will have an additional layer of 1/2" mdf. Butt joints and a bunch of pocket screws. Dimensions come out to 33h, 16.5 w at frt, 12.5 at rear, 18d.
I'm fortunate that my employer offers a "woodworking class" that gives me access to a pretty nice shop. So that's where these picks were taken. I will be taking them back to my shop for all of the finish work.
1 idea I have for the finish on the sides is epoxy based garage floor covering. It's called Cherry Bomb, hence the possible name. It's pricey though and I will have an awful lot of left over material. Looking for alternatives as well.

Many pa cabinets have as much as 15° taper for floor monitor wedges or to allow them to be splayed when set side by side.
Construction is complete and they are home. Prepping for finish starting this weekend.
I have a lot of enclosures going at the same time. Client builds so these had to take a bit of a necessary step back. Plus we lost our central air so i have been putting in extra ot to pay for that.
Ah well such is life. I'm sure it will slow down once I'm dead lol