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Get familiar with the reaction system: Introducing the Reaction System


Finally got fed up with the shit most places sell, so started lurking on Fleabay for resistors and surprisingly enough there is a plethora of options available. 

Today these showed up in my mailbox:

Straight outta Lithuania, old school USSR stuff. Claimed 10% tolerance, measured 10 and closer to 5% typical. These were less than $0.50 each, shipped from Eastern Europe. 

I'll admit - looks matter to me, even though crossovers are buried in a cabinet. I have also been replacing my huge inventory of other values with various Dale/Ohmite/USSR stuff such as these 6.8 ohm jobbers for around $0.80/each:

That being said, I now have a box with a metric fuckton of sandcast resistors to give away at DDIY. Winner of a death match takes them home for the low, low price of free. Many have short leads etc (I am a fidgety prototyper). 

For the record, I considered the heat sinked options - until I remembered something from my electronics 101 class 12 years ago: power handling absent being mounted to a heat sink is actually compromised on a heat sinked resistor compared to sandcast or silicone/enamel coated so I passed on stocking my resistor box with those. 
I have a signature.


  • 3.9, 4, 4.7, 8, and 8.2 are hard to come by however. Weird. 
    I have a signature.
  • edited May 2017
    Have you checked them for radioactivity?   :3
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