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PDF upload test

I put together a PDF summary for my Nanotech design.   Approximately 3.5MB in size.  Thought this
would serve as a good test to see if I can upload a PDF file to the server.



  • edited June 2017
    The file uploaded and reported as a valid looking attachment before I hit the button to post new discussion.  But now I cannot see it.  Looks like a fail situation.  Looks like I will have to break the PDF pages out as jpg's and post them as individual pictures.
  • This large 3.5MB file also failed to upload at PETT.  Thinking that the PDF was too large and  "timed out" (an approx 5 minute upload), here is a test of a much smaller 12K PDF file.

  • That didn't work either.  Here is a pic showing the screen just before I nit the "post comment" button:
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