My cnc is very close to being operational and aside from running a natural gas line out to my garage and installing a furnace im looking to be in good shape for getting alot of projects done this fall and winter. Ill have a good solid 4 to 5 diy speaker projects.
1) I ordered some parts for a 4x100w amp board, meanwell power supply to make use of my dsp and have a standalone portable setup.
2) rs28a in denovo waveguide with rs270p-4 (10" dayton reference) 2 way. Looks to be around 1-1.2 cf or so vented cab.
3) mtm with 5-1/4" mcm truncated frame woofers and sb29 small flange tweeter
4) highend 3 way with TL tweeters, 5-1/4 vifa ne149 mid and 10" sb acoustics woofer.
5) unsure but i have a typhany tweeter, some rs 180s, spare rs28a's, might need to try to find a new woofer.
6) finish my 10-4 2-way that just needs veneer.
I need to clear out what i have on hand and i have all these drivers just sitting. I have no vlue what i will do with them all either. Maybe ill sell a few off or something.
Here is the sure amp and psu. The wires are kind of shit and super thin. The board looks like good quality. I need to find a volume control that works well. I have a control freak i can use (want to use it for sub use so i can tone it down sometimes) so ill use that as a last resort. The amp board 4x100 solder joints are nice seems of good quality. Case is labeled as wondom.
I definately shouldnt use these wires right i should go bigger?

The 10" rs woofers big and heavy! Side by side with rs225's 8"
Dual Exhaust project: I just stained the cabs and am getting ready to spray poly. Also, I had Rockler engrave a name plate on cnc for me. They used a V channel type bit to engrave it. Now I have to paint & install it on the baffle board.
CX150-8 Coaxial project: Just sprayed the 1st coat of white primer. Still waiting for the hardwood baffle material (3/4 walnut). Vendor probably has to chop down another walnut tree to fill my order!
That is 100 watts input, within Xmech (and almost Xmax). Yea, the box is pretty large! It won't go deep but it sure will go loud!