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MCM KB5" 55-5660

Straight out of the box, the T/S specs are attached. Can't seem to get a decent box model. two of them in a box wants 2 cuft sealed or 4 cuft ported to get a decent curve.... else it gets all peaky and wonky. How are these woofers to be used?

anybody tried or measured these drivers or have any suggestions?


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  • What you have there is your basic, old school, acoustic suspension driver. 

    Just throw them in a 0.375 sealed box. You will be surprised how good the bass can sound even if the F3 is "only" 70-75hz due to the low distortion motor and loosey-goosey suspension. 
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  • 0.375 sealed for each driver? so around 0.75 cu ft for MTM... will try so.

  • Similar curve to Cabrini, and I like the bass on those. The KB are ten times the driver the GRS are, too. The KB are not xmax monsters but have gobs of xmech and the shorting rings plus phase plug and underhung geometry = crazy low distortion. They have insanely low voice coil inductance, so have a very extended top end. 
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