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InDIYana 2018 dates official!



  • For sure, i didn't get to many at Axpona. 
  • We'll just take a count about 4pm.

  • I won’t be able to attend due to an urgent family medical situation that occurred last night.  Be sure to have fun this weekend and enjoy the camaraderie because life is short.

  • Sorry to hear this Ed.  
  • And Ed and I miss each other once again....

    Maybe next year...

  • Ed is usually at Iowa, if you can still do the drive  :)
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • But I was at Iowa 4 times, and he wasn't. That's what I'm referring to.
  • John are you riding solo or is your wife attending as well?
  • I have him down as a +1. They like to stop in at the Cork N Cleaver together.
  • Oh good.  Hopefully I can convince her that 10" and 12" woofers are too large for HiFi and John will be stuck using 8" and smaller drivers from now on...  j/k JH
  • Hey Ben,  I just thought of something.  My project has 4 pole Speakon connectors.  I'm going to make up some adaptor cables.  You have locking Nanners right?  I'll just solder some terminal cups with 5 way posts if that will work.
  • My cables have the curled BFA nanners on them, not the 9-tine. We stopped using the lockers when Matt's WBTs broke on him. 5-ways will be fine.
  • I'll have a set of spring-post to alligator adapters in the event they're needed for bare wire or something.
  • Perfect!  Thanks!
  • Craig, Melody will be there, and certainly remembers you...

    btw there are no 10s and 12s in the house which is fine w/me after loading my mini tower coaxes in the SUV.  Big heavy speakers are no fun to take to these events.
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • I still have that pair of 15" woofers if you're interested John...
  • Hittin the road now, see you guys in a few hours.
  • Great event! I've got a bit to share, so I'll start a new thread covering what I saw and heard. The speakers are getting so good these days, its the best time to be in speaker DIY!
    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • You ain't kidding...
  • I was afraid to play mine there was so many good builds there!
  • Both of your speakers sounded very good.  Maybe a slight top octave lift as John suggested but over all very nice.
  • I missed a great GTG. Oh well.......
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • kennyk said:
    I missed a great GTG. Oh well.......

    I missed you standing toward the back, smiling as I zoomed by shooting tons of pictures.  Hope you can make it next year.
  • edited May 2018

    Another thing I noticed was the high level of participation this year.  Each time someone got up to do a quick summary of their speaker, there were lots of questions and comments from the crowd.  

    Whenever someone is giving a speech, I shoot pictures in a "photojournalist" style, pre-focused and waiting for the "decisive moment" when someone cracks a joke and sets the entire group into a laughter.   There must have been at least 10 of these moments in Indy.  When you see the pics on the MAC site, you will see what I mean.   Normally, I am lucky if I can capture maybe one or two good presentation type pictures at an event. 

  • 4thtry said:

    I missed you standing toward the back, smiling as I zoomed by shooting tons of pictures.  Hope you can make it next year.
    You can bet on that.  ;)
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
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