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Couple of new items coming from Dayton



  • I know the RSS390 is used in the big red ML Neoliths.
  • edited January 2018
    Y'all are going to make me work hard to address this stuff huh?

    The frame is the same as many Accuton drivers, and Accuton even uses a strikingly similar motor structure... The thing is, this driver is a fraction of the price and has very nice T/S parameters, which none of you have even seen... Yet ;) Fact of the matter is, calm down, relax, and just wait to see how the driver performs before getting riled up. The Epique by Dayton Audio name is one that we are trying to make a higher end option but is still a value at its price point.

    To address the designing aspect, we do have an employee on staff that does indeed design speakers and has been doing so for quite some time.

    Hell, I even dabble a bit and try to help out where I can. I personally designed the case for the DSP from the ground up myself. I also played a large part in the GUI development.

    Feel free to yell and scream at me now.

    Best Regards,

    Geoff Schneider
  • No offense, Geoff - that is what was said before the Esoteric were yanked for a better cone. Ditto on half the paper cone RS. Hell, go back ten years and oil canning RS subs. 

    This is serious territory for Dayton, and it may be a "fraction" of an Accounting - but it is smack at Illuminator pricing. For me personally, it is going to take more than a cheap off the shelf frame and assurance from a company rep that they are "all that". 

    Any preliminary data you are able to share? 
    I have a signature.
  • Should be "Accuton" not "Accounting". Smart phones are not that smart.
    I have a signature.
  • Though I understand where you are coming from, an off the shelf frame means absolutely nothing to me, as long as the performance and reliability is there. I'm sure many others agree on that front as well. 

    I also just don't understand all the negative comments about it, when like I said the data hasn't even been released. Maybe something along the lines of "looking forward to seeing more data on these" would come off less hostile. 

    I will get approval to post specs tomorrow for them, but I know I was pretty impressed myself.

    No company gets it right every time, we do try though, and have more successes than failures.

    Be a bit more welcoming and optimistic and maybe we can work together on improving things more to your liking.

    Best Regards,

    Geoff Schneider

  • I have to say that those motors look quite delicious. 
  • Looks like we just gotta wait for the data. Till then....the jury's out.
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • That may have come across a little abrupt last night - looking forward to the data. At this price point though, expect considerable scrutiny. Dayton has a mountain to climb. 
    I have a signature.
  • Kind of cool to see companies who start as distributors branch into manufacturing
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • Our production samples are still on their way back from CES, but here are the measurements for the 8" and they are subject to change, obviously.

  • Decent wiggles for both, the 8" is definitely 2-way capable which is always nice to see. Any other specifics you can share such as xmax, motor is underhung, overhung, xbl2, etc?
    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • I'll have to model to be sure, but the 8" has a highish Vas/Lowish Q design that may make it challenging to take advantage of the low Fs. The 5" looks more like a classical vented box woofer. The 5" also has a very desirable off-axis behavior in the breakup region - all too often the breakups do not go off-axis in such a linear fashion - they are generally much more like the 8" exhibits, that is to say not predictable with piston based modeling software. 

    I like what I see on the 5" especially, but they both look like a good starting point. Xmax/Xmech, distortion, and large signal data will help make a more informed decision, of course. 
    I have a signature.
  • The motor is indeed underhung, and about 5+- mm xmax.
  • edited January 2018
    Double post
  • 8" in a TL?
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • Geoff, when will more information be out on the dsp unit?  Wondering how this will compare with some of minidsp's offerings.   
  • Kornbread said:
    Geoff, when will more information be out on the dsp unit?  Wondering how this will compare with some of minidsp's offerings.   
    What exactly are you needing?

    It is for sure cheaper than the MiniDSP, but is different in its own right.
  • Hope the new speaker designs have been the esoteric tweeters?
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • edited January 2018

       Curious as to how they'll sound when compared to the basic 2x4minidsp or hd2x4.  No digital inputs?  How picky are they in regards to input/output levels as the basic mini2x4 is kinda picky.  How is the volume control implemented?  Is it likely they'll be a 'high end' version with digital inputs and a focus on sound quality to follow, like the hd?

       Price wise it's $10 more than two basic finished mini2x4's, in kit form it's $40 more.  What does it offer they don't?               
  • edited January 2018
    Kornbread said:

       Curious as to how they'll sound when compared to the basic 2x4minidsp or hd2x4.  No digital inputs?  How picky are they in regards to input/output levels as the basic mini2x4 is kinda picky.  How is the volume control implemented?  Is it likely they'll be a 'high end' version with digital inputs and a focus on sound quality to follow, like the hd?

       Price wise it's $10 more than two basic finished mini2x4's, in kit form it's $40 more.  What does it offer they don't?               
    No digital inputs, as very few people truly need them, maybe 10-15%. Any questions regarding future models depends on how well these perform sales wise, but this item is already focused on sound quality, so there is little reason to be concerned.

    Our DSP is designed to be used both in the home or the car in a finished platform, unlike the Mini which you have to choose at the time of purchase if you want to use it for 12V which also costs more IIRC.This piece will also feature an android and iOS application in addition to the PC control.
    I also feel the GUI we have is much user friendly.
  • I like the DSP. The biggest issue with these that I see is great software. Software issues will piss people off! If the software is user friendly and bug free I see these flying off the shelf. 

    I think the flack you are getting for the drivers is do to sticker shock... 
  • Ge_off_me said:
    No digital inputs, as very few people truly need them, maybe 10-15%. Any questions regarding future models depends on how well these perform sales wise, but this item is already focused on sound quality, so there is little reason to be concerned.

    Our DSP is designed to be used both in the home or the car in a finished platform, unlike the Mini which you have to choose at the time of purchase if you want to use it for 12V which also costs more IIRC.This piece will also feature an android and iOS application in addition to the PC control.
    I also feel the GUI we have is much user friendly.

       When will these be released out into the wild, when will specs be posted, and what's the real price likely to be?
  • Kornbread said:

       When will these be released out into the wild, when will specs be posted, and what's the real price likely to be?
    We are expecting around April or so now, due to a delay. I only have preliminary specs, as of right now, and I may post those on Monday. Like has been mentioned already, the real price is $199 for the DSP.
  • When will the CF drivers hit the shelves?
    I have a signature.
  • If I'm not mistaken, they are on the boat. I will double check though.
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