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Hey guys, just wanted to share some good news we got recently. The Absolute Sound stopped by our room on the first day to listen for a while. Earlier this week, they let us know that the P215 one of the top 5 speakers under $20K at the show! Now our ugly mugs are up online for everyone to see  :#

Glad some of you guys got a chance to stop by and we'll see you again soon at InDIYana. I will have an untested version of my Juggernauts there, so we'll see how that goes.


  • Two words Dan...  shave and a haircut.  Just saying.
  • That's high praise! It's a dynamite little kit.

    Congrats, Dan and Kerry!

  • edited April 2018
    PWRRYD said:
    Two words Dan...  shave and a haircut.  Just saying.
    ... two bits.  Thanks guys!  Glad to get a little recognition there.  Honestly the DIY roots brands that I knew of there were among the best values and had the best sound for their size of anything I heard.  Some of the giant speakers sounded spectacular, but we're talking 6 figures and you'd need the correspondingly expensive house just to fit them inside.  Fritz Speakers and Vehement Audio received honorable mention in the same article and were among the brands I'm talking about.  Both rooms sounded great.  DIY was well represented at AXPONA and more than a few people took notice.

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