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New 3 way project - The Clinchers!

edited June 2018 in DIY
I absolutely loved the results of my recent 2 way project, the Keramiskas, which used the SB15CAC-08 woofers and the RT1.3WE planar tweeters.  One of the best parts was the crystal clear midrange from those SB ceramic drivers.  The planar tweeters were spectacular too.  The only down side is that the SB drivers only have a SD of 82 cm^2, so limited bass/SPL.

Enter the new 3-way project...  "The Clinchers".  This project will use the same awesome RT1.3WE planar tweeters and SB15CAC ceramic mids...  just shake, stir and add in a pair of Peerless NE225W-04 woofers!!!

The woofers will live in their own separate vented bass bins.  The MT's will sit on top in new sealed enclosures.  The bass bin enclosures are about half way built... pictures and more details to follow.


  • Sweet!  Good name. 
  • Nice choice on the woofers.  How do they model in your intended enclosure?

  • I think 8" 3-way will be my next project(s).
    I have a signature.
  • edited June 2018
    DanP said:7
    Nice choice on the woofers.  How do they model in your intended enclosure?

    Thanks.  The woofers were the door prize I won at the first official DIY Dakota.  I think Menicus was the sponsor.  JR?

     F3 = 34 Hz, 108 dB @ 70W right at xmax
  • I'm looking forward to hearing these!

  • I don't know about you guys but I love the performance of the Precision Sound ports with their huge flares...  but I really don't like how they look, at all honestly.  To me they just look like cheap plastic crap.  Because of that I will never mount them on the front baffle.  In this project I am using a pair of their 3 inch ports.  They will be rear mounted.  Due to the volume and low tuning frequency these need to be pretty long.  So to make them fit in my enclosures I had to cut and glue them into a 90 degree elbow.  Pictures to follow.
  • Is it too late to slot port them?
  • Those woofers are a nice door prize! I hope you'll bring these to Grinnell so I can hear them. 

    And I hear you on the Precision Ports look. A matte finish on them would help, but for me, they still throw off the aesthetic mounted on a baffle much of the time.
  • Thanks Nick (if your compliment was directed towards me).  I just finished routering the port holes for those 3" ports.... on the back side of the enclosures.  Man, even with a 90 degree bend they just barely fit.  35 liter enclosures with a 3" dia x 14" long port is tight!
  • Yes, door prize at DDIY - but it was the second official (third overall) event. The first we had at the hotel in one of the audiotoriums. 

    They were from Madisound, if I recall correctly. Nice drivers. 
    I have a signature.
  • You will have to get some pictures posted when you have time 
    Ask and you shall receive Brother!  :)

  • Another:

  • And another:

  • Again:

  • Make the bad man stop:

  • In the last picture it looks like the end of the port is super close to the floor of the enclosure.  It is a bit close, but the camera angle makes it look worse than it really is.  It is a 3" ID port and it is 4 inches from the end of the port to the enclosure floor.  This will tune the enclosure to 30 Hz, which might be a little too low.  I may end up shortening the port to raise the tuning a couple of Hertz, which would lop off an inch or two...
  • No internal flare?
  • edited June 2018
    I wanted to but it would be impossible to get the glued up port assembly in and out of the box due to the cross brace and front (non-removable) baffle.  If the baffle was removable then it would have one for sure.  I want to have the port removable so I can adjust the length if necessary and also so I can finish the box with paint or veneer.
  • Hi Nick.  I was actually able to spend two hours today working on this project.  I finished routering the rabbits, the through holes, and the back side chamfers.  I took some pictures of the progress but I need to hit the hay right now as I am covering for a guy on vacation tomorrow and need to get up at 4 am.
  • Working fast! 
  • Claus, when we gonna do something with some of those NE woofers you have hoarded?
    I have a signature.
  • edited June 2018
    The rear frame of those drivers remind me of that Atlantis water station in "The Spy Who Loved Me".
  • jr@mac said:
    Yes, door prize at DDIY - but it was the second official (third overall) event. The first we had at the hotel in one of the audiotoriums. 

    They were from Madisound, if I recall correctly. Nice drivers. 
    'Audiotoriums' is Funny!  Good one, JR!
  • Is it possible to veneer 3/4" roundovers?  I assume paper backed veneer?  I've had veneering success with contact cement.  Would that work on these roundovers?
  • edited July 2018
    PWRRYD said:
    Is it possible to veneer 3/4" roundovers?  I assume paper backed veneer?  I've had veneering success with contact cement.  Would that work on these roundovers?
    Yeppers.  I used a big @ss sheet of cherry veneer (paper backed) on my PBO66 towers.
    Hit up the veneer with some softener the day before.
    And oh, yeah, @D1PP1N is right. I use Heatlock glue with an iron and would NEVER glue veneer any other way

    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
  • You can if the direction matches. It bends way easier not  going with the length if the grain. I found a nice way to veneer with regular wood glue and an iron that i really liked alot more than contact cement. My waveguide build was done that way. 
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