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CSS SDX12 sub and 12" PR's build thread

Working on this really sweet cabinet designed by CSS for their 12" woofer and passives. A bit of a back story here. My dad has some klipsch 12" subs with 2 passives with integrated subs that really blew me away. So i tried my hand at a 10" version with the klipsch 10" i had that the amp died on. It was a good little sub that I ended up selling but miss it for sure. I've been toying with getting an 18" for awhile and bought 2 x 18UM drivers and they made noises when push the cone in an when i feed them some signal. I got my money back, i think they are problematic without the dust cap to align them and assemble them properly. 

Flash forward I was the luckiest guy at INDIYana and got a 12" css sdx12 in the raffle. So I ordered the passives and a new inuke 6k for it. I started cutting the cabinets this week and the cabinet design is stellar. The bracing is really well thought out and aligns nicely for glue up. I still need to do some manual dadoes but I got everything cut last night to size. I just need to do some quick sanding, tab removal, blow out the dades to remove dust and they should be ready for glue up. 



  • Awesome workbench, D. And total great luck on the CSS 12 win. wow.
    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
  • edited August 2018
    That’s really looking great. I’m jealous of that router setup. 

    Edit: ok now that I googled that sub you won I’m jealous of that too! That will be quite the sub.
  • I just did some distortion measurements of the 12 in our 1 cu ft can with no filters. This is at 1.5 feet in room, SPL accurate. 
  • Did you happen to save that distortion data as a text file?  I like to convert to percent as well.  
  • OscarJr said:
    Did you happen to save that distortion data as a text file?  I like to convert to percent as well.  
    Omnimic wont let you export distortion files like that. Below 100 Hz, the second order was about 4.5% max and third order was about 1.3% max. 
  • Thanks, i want make a sort of festool mft knock off with some extrusion and with a plate to slide along a bench for crosscutting.

    Glue up is done. I need to sand and prep for the vinyl wrap sections and hardwood top and bottom/feet.


  • Looking great. Anxious to hear your thoughts once you get them together.
  • Wait, hold on did you say inuke 6000 in your initial post. mmmm, watts.
    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • Did you fire this thing up yet or what?
  • Dragging my feet. Had some work for Javad to do and was replacing siding that blew off in the storms we had a few weeks ago! 
  • Bud, don’t leave us hanging. It’s bad enough we didn’t see you at Iowa. 
    My signature goes here
  • I made him some trim rings for the sdx 10" and the passive radiators on his new build. Also, a bunch if replacement pucks for the screw on caps for the passive radiators.  
  • This is off the machine no cleanup. The holes are purposely offset in his design. 

  • I'm trying to work through a little planning here. I bought some color shifting carbon fiber vinyl wrap. I want to wrap from left to right upright. The color shift goes from purple to blue (maybe green too). I wanted to do purple heart but it gums up your tools badly. So I decided to buy Transtint dye to try and dye maple. I tested poplar and maple and it didn't go as nicely as expected. I did also dry mdf for laughs and it worked out perfectly.. I was going to use purpleheart for the top and legs of the subwoofer but the top is a 3d textured piece. Here is a preview pic of what it could look like. I am thinking since the dye job didn't go so well maybe i stick with MDF and paint it white gloss with metalflake instead. What is the general consensus here? I'm trying to go pretty zany here with fancy colors. 

  • Transtint dye testing on various woods some better than others. The mdf is really uniform and vibrant. Could be an easier finish with a color and top coat. 
  • With the dye and heavily figured wood.  I like to book match or spend extra time trying to get a decent patten on the show side.

    As you have a CNC I'd be tempted to cut a shallow pattern in the MDF dye dark, sand off the top dye, and stain lighter.
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • Finished this sub build a few weeks ago. Forgot to share it here. Sorry if its a double post for my facebook peeps. 

  • That's a classy disco! ;)
    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • NavyGuy said:
    Omnimic wont let you export distortion files like that. Below 100 Hz, the second order was about 4.5% max and third order was about 1.3% max. 
    Couldn't help but notice this comment reading through this thread today. Right click on the distortion plot, click "save curve to text file".
    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • dcibel said:
    That's a classy disco! ;)
    I like flashy stuff. If its not in direct light and at the right angle it looks like regular metallic black gloss. 
  • dcibel said:
    Couldn't help but notice this comment reading through this thread today. Right click on the distortion plot, click "save curve to text file".

    Yup, I missed the reply too.  I wish it wasn't so "hidden" in Omnimic.  Took me a week to find it.  But it's great because you can then open the CSV file in Excel and to the math to show the percentage curves as I've done with my 10" midbass tests.

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