Reworking a set of speakers I did a few years ago. I am updating the Burn 'n Die speakers with the RS28F and waveguide and using the existing HiVi D8 woofer I had. I am also using the 10" Reference PR from Dayton.

Box layout for your viewing. I have measurements done and started working on the crossover and here is what I have come up with.

I am getting the same results from XSim so I think I am doing everything about right.
Looking at the overall response, everything looks right with the phase and response. I think the rise in the lower range has to do with how I did the blending for the woofer.
Do I need to worry about the impedance spikes near the crossover region and if so what would be the best way to get rid of them?
I am out of town all week for work so I will have to wait until this weekend before I can mockup a XO for listening.
Here is a link to my dropbox that has all the measurement files Let me know what you guys think.
That did it John, I am just a little too ambitious with the bass.