As can be seen from my mad 'shop skills, it will be utilizing RS28T-F and RS52F for the TM section, and the venerable HiVi F8 for the bass and upper mids.
I measured the F8 and discovered it has very useful parameters for decent extension in a small enclosure - very important for monitor use. Here is a tentative alignment:

That is F3/6/10 of 49/40/33.
I see no reason why the chosen drivers cannot hit 800/3000 crossover points, see how they play together. Probably go together fairly easily as well.
Finish will be black Duratex, naturally. The general outside dimensions of the cabinet will be around 20X12X12, slot ported.
Now, just need to brave the cold and build some cabinets or find someone to build them for me!
I have a signature.
i brave the cold with the help of my carbon monoxide machine
Mike: After I get some cabinet design finalized, I'll be in touch.
Ive been needing to try these for about 2 months now.
InDIYana Event Website
Has the same outside dimensions as the Beston RT0002 tweeters. Hmmm....
Neo motor, non-shitty frame, copper in the motor, very linear through the passband, should be able to be crossed at 3500 easily - and with the all the goodies in the motor, the breakup might have minimal odd order related distortion anyways.
Top it off, it is reasonably sensitive.
I wish Dayton put as much thought into the baskets on some of their larger drivers - those DA/DS/DSA baskets are atrocious.
I've been looking for a strong 4 inch driver at a reasonable price. This may be the one. Thanks JR
Actually, I still like the FaitalPro 4 inch better. Flatter FR, flatter impedance (more copper) and higher sensitivity. Little higher Fs though. https://www.parts-express.com/faitalpro-4fe35-4-professional-full-range-woofer-8-ohm--294-1124
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