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Get familiar with the reaction system: Introducing the Reaction System


edited January 2019 in DIY
We are expecting the 'P' 7'' drivers to arrive any day now.
Because time is counting down, Sean sharpened his pencil today to produce a special just for MAC/DIY builders.

We haven't seen much in terms of TMM or MTM builds. So we brainstormed a little and came up with a special on quads.
With the code, there is an additional 40% off the already sale price.

As I mentioned, this sale is only for MAC/DIY folks.
The code is good for the R176-P-08 Quad and R176-KB-08 Quad.
We have set aside only a few for this, so quantities are very limited. I'm sure you understand.
Use code: MACQUAD-19 at checkout.
The code can only be used once per customer.
If you have any questions, drop us a line.


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