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Peerless DA25BG08-06 1" Aluminum Dome - PE 1 day sale

Is the DA25bG08 a good tweeter? Can it really handle a 1500hz xo like PE states? They are just $13.17 today.


  • Great tweeter! I don't know about 1.5k, but 1.8k is doable.
  • Wow!  Great tweeter and great price.  Thanks for the heads up!
  • I show a tc6 variant as dotd?
    I have a signature.
  • NVM - just a sale price. Grabbed a few for budget builds. Been waiting for dirt cheap tweeters of high quality to pair with Gradient buyouts.
    I have a signature.
  • I picked up a pair. And a few xo components. 
  • There is currently 5' of snow drifted in front of my garage door and 3' in front of my shed, so it will be a while before I make any sawdust - but when I do I will be doing a Gradient 7" + this tweeter. Going to grind them out this year and spread some joy of nice speakers to friends and family. 
    I have a signature.
  • Is this the tweeter that Brad used at Iowa?

  • I think Brad wins the best looking stand mount ever award. 
  • You had to be there to fully appreciate it. Puts to rest the whole "high end commercial does stuff we can't" bullshit. 
    I have a signature.
  • edited March 2019
    Is that wood?

    I used a pair with the Gradient axp 6" and I think it was a side mounted 8"sd.  Imo, I don't think they have the finesse? of the xt25tg30 but they sound pretty good and can rock.  Those axps' can play extremely loud and clean and the da25s kept up no problem.    
  • Kornbread said:
    Is that wood?  
    There might be some in there.  I seem to recall some sort of fiberglass vacuum formed composite something.  It was definitely specialized construction that few could duplicate.  Better than many commercial and high dollar speakers 
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  •  Too bad I missed this sale.  :'(    I just re-read my listening notes, excellent sounding tweeter.  I wonder how they compare to the corundum DA25's in terms of overall clarity and sound quality.  I have two pair of the corundums, which use a thinner 1/16" faceplate.   These tweeters appear to have a much thicker faceplate with a small amount of horn loading.  This probably would have solved my corundum 4.6kHz suckout problem, as horn loading on a tweeter helps to reduce diffraction ripple.   
  • The faces are plastic on the BG, FWIW.
  • Got them today. They look better in person, heavy too.
    The pictures at PE make them look like they have some kind of "phase shield" (not sure if that is the right word) built into the mesh protector. This is not the case. I really like the metal screen protecting the dome.
  • Mine came today too.  Mine have a clear plastic phase shield adheared to the protective mesh screen.  Yours don't??
  • Has anyone tested this tweeter? How low can it go?
  • edited March 2019

    3rd order shoots up rapidly below 2kHz, so I'd make that the reasonable limit, it's otherwise excellent.

    For comparison, the BC25:

    This one also has a limit of 2kHz, and higher distortion overall above that. DA25 is a clear winner at the sale price vs this known good bargain tweeter.

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • Mine have a 2-piece clear-plastic shield. There is a ring on the inside of the grill, and a dual-notched circle on the outside tip.
  • I know it's been used to 1.8k, and I heard it at that, and it sounded just fine. I do not think it should be used to 1.5k.
  • I seem to remember that Pete S. and Erich H. had some issues with a couple of these tweeters (Apollo thread?).  
  • Hmm... I didn't know that. What were the issues? Link?
  • I do know that I had a pair for door prizes last year, and the impedances were slightly different. The prizes had an extra small bump that my pair did not have.
  • Interesting, says the grill was off center and some units had it glued to the surround, for those that don't want to go read it. I can believe that this would likely cause some issues.
  • I'm going to closely inspect mine and measure them with DATS when I get home tonight.  Luckily PE will send new ones if there are any defects.
  • Great results!  The 4 that I bought measured within 5% of each other for Fs, Qts, and Re.  Nice well defined Fs peaks with no questionable squiggles on the impedance curves.
  • And the protective screens are held on only by the motor's magnetism.  They in no way could touch or affect the surrounds.  Peerless must have made a change after the batch Pete and Erich purchased.
  • Turns out I still had the images. I think you can tell the difference...

  • Finally got around to opening one of mine. Build quality is so-so, but the phase shield on the one I looked at is not square to the mounting holes. Not sure if it matters or not, but generally not impressed. 

    Since I will likely be using them no lower than 2200, I am not necessarily concerned with poorly tuned chambers or wandering Fs, so as long as they are reasonably well matched SPL wise they will work just fine for what I have planned. 
    I have a signature.
  • PWRRYD said:
    Mine came today too.  Mine have a clear plastic phase shield adheared to the protective mesh screen.  Yours don't??
    Mine do also. It is much less visible than in the pictures so I missed it at first glance. Mine measure fairly close in impedance, 815 and 835. 
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