I personally use milk crates but i made another record holder for my dad this past weekend. I'm a big fan of this color combo. I made a similar one before but this one was 1-1/2" (6/4) thick before cleaning it up. I cleaned everything up with a planer as they both had a bit of twist to them with a simple planer sled and a few shims to level the workpiece. Once I had a final dimension of the paduak sides I setup the dadoe blade and did a few test fit cuts. It fit like a glove. A nice snap I to the groove. This way you can just glue it up and not use any hardware. It's super heavy and dense too.
I used a 45 degree bit on the router table for the edges of the purple heart (no sanding in these pictures). I used a sacrifacial block at the end of the cut so I did the get tearout. I converted an old crosscut sled into a dadoe sled and it works really nicely. The dadoe stack I have was only $80 on amazon and it's high quality. I used. A 15 degree angle on the sides to hold the records.

I'm also wanting to try out some butcher block style amp enclosures or something like that. I want a project with some splines in it.