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One of our own, and a person Jeff B said he respected and looked up to, Jeff Candy, and another known outside our community have designed a new web-based tool, and it looks good to me:

Utilizing a double-delta-mass and semi-inductance, it seems a new valid tool in our arsenal.


  • Thanks Ben... 
  • edited June 2020
    FWIW this dual mass method has been included in REW since the 5.20 beta March 8 release:

    Changes in V5.20 beta 24:

    Thiele-Small Parameters

    • The dual added mass method for Thiele-Small parameter estimation, developed by Claus Futtrup and Jeff Candy, has been implemented. This method provides a very accurate Bl estimate that is independent the driver impedance model and provides a "ZM*" model of the driver motional impedance around resonance, allowing accurate extraction of Mms.
    • The driver motional impedance model has been changed to accommodate frequency-dependent compliance using the Ritter three parameter creep model

    For more information, the AES article is here:

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
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