@tktran said:
The impedance blip around 850Hz is curious. It is on the spec sheet too, of course, but I wonder where it comes from, and whether it affects the FR or generation of harmonics/IMD...
On the other hand, a zoomed impedance trace with a max of only 20 ohms, with a logarithmic view is going to show all kinds of lumps and bumps... if you zoom in close enough, eventually everything becomes a wobbly line...
Yeah, likely a slightly mistuned rear chamber. I'll see what's up when I get it on a baffle.
Form will follow function, so no doubt will end up looking like an ATC knockoff, hence why I will likely go with the ribbon or the SB with the waveguide.
Sealed Box of 1.5 cu ft - Mid-field distance of 6 ~ 10 feet in a 24' wide room off-center placement to reduce modes.
Any issues stand out to you guys?
(DSP/active, of course).
[edited for thpellin ererrs . . .]
I don't have the reference handy, but I'm sure measurements show that the NeoCD3.0 ribbon is better without the horn used for the NeoCD3.5. But you might try it both ways. Price is reasonable.
But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
I think PE heard you bought something. The DM-7500 is on sale right now.
Happens all the time to me. I believe they are successfully trolling me.
Yeah, likely a slightly mistuned rear chamber. I'll see what's up when I get it on a baffle.
It’s probably because there making room for the nicer 7600 model. 😆
They should import it.
Ribbon or Corundum up top for a copy?
Form will follow function, so no doubt will end up looking like an ATC knockoff, hence why I will likely go with the ribbon or the SB with the waveguide.
I'm wanting to use a 25" x 14.24" baffle and cross this 12" woofer https://www.parts-express.com/pedocs/specs/295-032--dayton-audio-pa310-8-spec-sheet.pdf to the subject Mid-dome at ~ 400Hz and cross that Mid-dome to this Ribbon https://www.madisoundspeakerstore.com/ribbon-tweeters/fountek-neocd3.5h-horn-tweeter/ at ~ 4KHz.
Sealed Box of 1.5 cu ft - Mid-field distance of 6 ~ 10 feet in a 24' wide room off-center placement to reduce modes.
Any issues stand out to you guys?
(DSP/active, of course).
[edited for thpellin ererrs . . .]
PA310-8 in 1.5 cu ft:
I don't have the reference handy, but I'm sure measurements show that the NeoCD3.0 ribbon is better without the horn used for the NeoCD3.5. But you might try it both ways. Price is reasonable.
I'm not certain the ribbon and motor are the same in those 2.
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