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  • @6thplanet said:
    So did you barter? Even at $100, it's worth it for the tubes!

    I talked to the manager briefly. He told me how they check out and price items when they come in and put them on the floor. Seemed very reasonable, so I went with the flow and paid full price. He said they have a 14 day return policy on audio electronics, so if it did not work, I could bring it back for a full refund.

    So far, I ohmed out both transformer primaries and secondaries and they all check good. I'm NOT going to power it up, however, until I inspect and check everything with my multi-meter. Tested all electrolytics and they all measure good, but high in value, so they are leaky and must be replaced. Found 3 resistors out of tolerance. The 50K bias pot measures all over the place, so I'll be replacing that. Project looks good to go, so I placed a parts order with Mouser! :)

  • Is this place near Milwaukee?

  • This is the one in Wauwatosa, WI. It is located about 1 mile from the Mayfair Shopping Center. There are other re-stores in the Milwaukee area, but this is the main one with lots of odd stuff being donated. They have a section in the back called "Treasure Pickers Hardware" where you will find old living room stereo consoles, antique furniture, vintage 78 Edison record players, monophonic radio consoles from the 1930's and 40's, etc. Stuff like that. It is a great place.

  • Makes me wonder if our ReStore has an electronics section? They moved downtown, so I rarely stop by to see what they might have anymore.

  • Ours was pretty weak, at least the one I've been to. The "electronics" section was all junk. They did have an old Delta sliding miter saw....they had $680 on it.😆

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