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One cable to rule them all!

Some might have picked up on the Lord of the Rings title. Let's not throw each other into the fire of Mordor. 😂
I have an idea to help speed up some of the speaker swaps at the get togethers. A nice set of speaker cables with banana plugs on the amp side and Speakon on the other. The speakers would have adaptors that would go from speakon to pins, banana, or spades. The Speakons will help make sure that the amp won't get shorted and the addapters could be pre-installed making it a simple speakon connection once on stands.
What cable and what length would I need to make this work for the events? Would 12ft OFC copper be acceptable? Do most amps accept banana or should I get a speakon for that end as well?


  • edited August 2022

    I've thought about this more than once for my own use. It is a viable option.
    Of note though, those are not actual Neutrik parts and are Chinese copies. Caveat emptor.

    Oh, and 12 is usually adequate, and 10' minimum. There have been times that was not long enough, and 12-15' would have been better.

  • Absolutely use genuine Neutrik. The "other" brands have caused all kinda issues in the bass/guitar/PA amplifier side of things.

  • The only others I would consider are the Amphenol and Switchcraft models.

    Ken- you might consider a lead with alligator clips too. You never know when something will be 'different' from the norm.

  • Big heavy alligator clips on good cable.

    I have a signature.
  • Thanks guys.
    Any links for high value parts would be appreciated.
    I have alligator clips that go over bananas. I'll use those as a last resort.

  • edited August 2022

    @jr@mac said:
    Big heavy alligator clips on good cable.

    Universal high end speaker cable:

    kenrhodesWolfSteve_Leejholtz6thplanetSilver1omosquamishdrocTurn2tajanesrjj45and 3 others.
    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • AC/DC O'Reilly Audio Parts
    Cardas will be pissed

  • Some of the jumper cables are copper coated aluminum.

  • Copper clad aluminum isn't always a bad thing. Not what I would use for hifi.

  • edited August 2022

    What jumper cables? I only see a high end speaker cable with strong alligator leads. I think you mean to say that some speaker cables are copper coated aluminum, and I suppose you could re-purpose them to jump your car in a pinch. ;)

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • Nothing really acoustically wrong with CCA, but it doesn't handle being twisted and handled and bent all that well. More of a "install and leave it alone" kind of thing.
    There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of miles of aluminum cable laid out in the US.

    I have a signature.
  • @jr@mac said:
    There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of miles of aluminum cable laid out in the US.

    And sadly, none of it has been cryogenically treated. What were they thinking??

  • The purity of CCA is a little bit of a concern. I know a lot of voice coils are CCA for heat dissipation.

  • I know this subject has been done to death, but I really couldn't believe this:

    It looks like these cables are A$14,300 for two metres!?

    Some bollocks about 'gold crystals' or similar material.

    If, IF these sorts of things make a difference, I'd very much doubt that they would have the bang for buck of good drivers and crossovers which will cost a heck of a lot less than that.

    You can buy an 10 year old MX-5 for that money!


  • They do feature "exceptional aesthetics" which I'm sure make them money well spent. At the bottom of the page there's a $3800 1.5 meter power cable and if you follow that link you can find the Waversa Wrouter
    for $9,995.00. I wonder if they take Paypal.


  • Australian Consumer Law (ACL) provides for protection, such as refunds, in the case of misleading or deceptive product claims. However, it seems not to cover products which make outlandish claims:


    Puffery is a term used to describe wildly exaggerated, fanciful or vague claims about a good or service that no one could possibly treat seriously or find misleading. These statements are not considered misleading or deceptive under the ACL.

    Example: A restaurant claims it has the ‘best steaks on earth’ and the ‘tastiest food in town’. The restaurant’s claims can be considered puffery as they are unlikely to mislead customers".

    Maybe there are many 'hi-fi' products which fit into that category.


  • Puffery pandemic!!!!!

  • My next speaker build will be called the Pufferys.

  • Puffery is everywhere, particularly in the car industry's advertising - again, not covered under our Consumer Law.

    For example, a well known German brand claimed of its new range "It Changes Everything". Really, "everything"?!

    The laws of physics? My address? What a load of rubbish.....


  • @GeoffMillar said:
    ...Everything". Really, "everything"?!

    The laws of physics? My address? What a load of rubbish.....


    I'd be tempted to buy the car if it changed Hoffman's law...I really want that tiny, high sensitivity speaker that can reach 20Hz..🤣

  • edited November 2022

    Speaking of puffery... I'm just glad ALL of our country's political ads are done. The people have voted, it is what it is. Nothing more to say about that.

  • It's amazing that political speech is somehow exempt from the rules the rest of us in the ad business abide by. Those PAC ads make even our sketchiest clients ideas seem....saintly!

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