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New bass bins

I'm building a new pair of bass bins. The enclosures "were" going to be my 2023 InDIYana theme boxes. Now they will be stricky bass bins that I can set any number of different MT's on top of and measure/design 3 ways. Per the Indy rules these are 1.5 cubic foot internal. I am using one Dayton Audio RS270P-4A per bass bin. They will be ported using some Precision 3" ports I bought from Robert Clark in Iowa last year (thanks Robert for the great deal). Modeled F3 around 33 Hz with a nice smooth rolloff. They can take quite a bit of power and not exceed Xmax and produce a lot of SPL. The MT ideas keep swirling around in my head as I have lots of nice drivers on my shelves.



  • Will you modify the bass bins xo to operate as an integrated 3-way with each MT or run them as subs with a separate amp and adjustable low pass filter?

  • Uniquely designed passive xo's for each 3 way design. I did this a number of years ago and it was fun. Much quicker/easier to build a small pair of MT's than a whole floor standing 3 way.

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