Looking good! I’m counting 14 components in the X-over, not too bad for a 3-way. Some of them are on the larger size, making the whole look rather chunky. My X-overs usually look like crap, zip tied to cardboard kind of deal.
Most of my xovers look 'chunky', as you say. =-) I just happened to have the foils handy and in the right values.
Thanks, and yes 14 parts is pretty low count for a 3way. My Attitudes had 25 parts in them, so it can take a lot more for some of them...
Ya know, I played my quality stand-bys, as well as Amaranthe, Born of Osiris, Stabbing Westward , and other heavier stuff through these when I was voicing them in, but depraived them Nightwish - Dark Passion Play. Spinning that now, and these really shine with it! All of the tracks and separate details really are separated and reveal layers exceptionally well. Choral backing vox sound legit. Impressed, and maybe the best I've heard this album.
More info added...
Checked with the meter.... just because... had no idea since these sound so clean.
Crowns are lit on the second LED, and C weighted shows peaking at 96dB. Neither breaking a sweat!
Final network circuit:
InDIYana Event Website
I'm sure you've seen my xover handiwork prior, Steve. Why the shock?
InDIYana Event Website
InDIYana Event Website
They look great just a bit larger/denser than anticipated - how much volume are they taking up?
Maybe a liter....
InDIYana Event Website
InDIYana Event Website
Looking good! I’m counting 14 components in the X-over, not too bad for a 3-way. Some of them are on the larger size, making the whole look rather chunky. My X-overs usually look like crap, zip tied to cardboard kind of deal.
Most of my xovers look 'chunky', as you say. =-) I just happened to have the foils handy and in the right values.
Thanks, and yes 14 parts is pretty low count for a 3way. My Attitudes had 25 parts in them, so it can take a lot more for some of them...
InDIYana Event Website
They look fabulous, Wolfy, Sir - you should be pleased with yourself!
Thank you!
InDIYana Event Website
I love them, Wolf. Elegantly sophisticated, clean design, with contrasting features that make it pop. Glenn
I'm so glad I did not paint these red.
InDIYana Event Website
Yes, white was a good choice. Unique baffles, and the total package is pleasing to the eye.
Yup, nice finish! Looking forward to seeing them in a few...😉
I thought these sounded excellent at the SDC.
Thank you, John! I got good compliments all day on both of my builds, for both looks and sound.
I liked yours too, very liquid mids in the NQ.
InDIYana Event Website
I'd like to hear them at Fort Wayne next year if possible.
Playing Fleetwood Mac - The Dance through these right now and loving it!
InDIYana Event Website
Ya know, I played my quality stand-bys, as well as Amaranthe, Born of Osiris, Stabbing Westward , and other heavier stuff through these when I was voicing them in, but depraived them Nightwish - Dark Passion Play. Spinning that now, and these really shine with it! All of the tracks and separate details really are separated and reveal layers exceptionally well. Choral backing vox sound legit. Impressed, and maybe the best I've heard this album.
More info added...
Checked with the meter.... just because... had no idea since these sound so clean.
Crowns are lit on the second LED, and C weighted shows peaking at 96dB. Neither breaking a sweat!
InDIYana Event Website
Coaxes now available from one vendor in Europe, just in case anyone wanted to know....
~$183.00 plus shipping each.
InDIYana Event Website
Another vendor:
Link says 8", comes up 4".
InDIYana Event Website
Beautiful. Exceptional work!
Thanks, Howard!
Bill's photo is better than mine:
InDIYana Event Website
New Voice Coil Test Bench for the W4-2315!
InDIYana Event Website