Some friends of ours built themselves a small carriage home a few months back. The husband and wife both had the same set of speakers when they got married so they installed them on shelves up in the top corners of the main living space. One of them didn't get properly mounted to the shelf and shook itself off the shelf and took a 12ft fall to the floor. They really like my look of my Tamarind speakers and asked me if I could build new cabinets to replace the broken one and it's brother. The speakers are Totem Acoustic Mite's, made here in Canada.

The cabinets look to be 1/2" mdf and are 6"x 10"x8.5". I pulled the one damaged woofer out and the basket is pretty bent from the fall.

Should I even bother trying to straighten the basket or just replace the woofers? As you can see the crossover is just a simple 6db slope on the tweeter and the woofer. The three caps are just wired up in parallel, but it is a nice Solen coil for the woofer. There are no brand names on the drivers - just some part numbers.

So of course I wanted to see how the response looked so I took the good speaker and did a few measurements with OmniMic.
Responses measured at 24" in my living room at 1/48th octave.

And distortion measurements.

One thing I noticed when doing the OmniMic sweeps on just the woofer was I could feel air coming out of the tweeter face plate which I though was kind of odd. I don't think I have ever noticed that before with any of my other speakers. Maybe just a cheap tweeter?
So moving forward I think I am going to have to replace the woofers and I will probably use the existing tweeter unless I can talk them into a whole new build but then they will have 2 different sets of speakers in the living area. Mind you they are 12ft off the ground so they probably won't notice the difference anyways.
Then it was afternoon break.......
Mounted some drivers, added some stuffing, and went upstairs to take some measurements with the OmniMic.
Took a few measurements and used my Limp jig to take some impedance measurements, and came up with a pretty simple crossover.
I'm not too worried about the large peak above 12k as these speakers are going to be almost 12ft off the floor. I need to order a few x-over parts so I will take the drivers out and start finishing tomorrow night.