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OT: Get'n paid to play

Hot Rods, guitars, and DIY audio, the perfect mix.  It's my latest for money project.  I am installing an upgrade parts kit in a friend's Fender Hot Rod Deluxe guitar tube amp.  I've done this before for another guy here in town.  I get $150 to swap out the parts which takes me about 3 hours.  So $50/hr to do something I love doing anyway.  Definitely will help fund my next diy speaker project :)


  • Awesome! Guy here at work just asked about his Fender Hot Rod coincidentally
    I have a signature.
  • Fromel Electronics out of Seattle.  Both guys bought the Rod Rod Deluxe "Supreme" kit.  A little pricey if you only look at the cost of the parts (very good parts IMHO), but Fromel did all the R&D and created very complete instructions.  The owner of the first amp I modified was blown away by how much cleaner his amp sounds and how much more control/range all his pots have.
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