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  • edited June 2023

    Ok, I was able to wire up the rossover tonight. I've been listening to my speakers in mono. I like the DQ's!! It mates well with the SB12's. Too bad this tweeter is NLA!.. It's still available though from Ebay but you'll have to pay twice the original price.

  • edited June 2023

    @VCORPUZ23 said:

    Maybe it was a defective? Poor crossover design?

    I agree brother!! I put it to my treble test like right now, I put in male vocals like Kurt Elling, some female vocals, the lower treble sounded like tin cans!! Lol.... this tweeter has to go!

  • Back to my original design. Peerless DX20 it is!

  • I'm sorry that you agree with me, but at least you should be able to sell them easily. :)

  • edited June 2023

    @Wolf said:
    I'm sorry that you agree with me, but at least you should be able to sell them easily. :)

    I should have never doubted you. I was really going for your Beston tweeter but that needs to be crossed at least 3khz. I'll be returning these tweeters and get my money back.

  • I'm not infallable, but thank you for your confidence.

  • People are not honest anymore. This tweeter had great reviews!! Even hifi compass! Then you.. lol " it sounds cheap and broken 🤣! Then I heard it myself!

  • They raved about the RS52 and L18 too, and I don't like those either....

  • edited June 2023

    The aluminum cones I like are the Dayton 8's that I entered at the Indiana 2023 and the SB15NBAC I have on hand I also like the HIVi B4N's.

  • I have not heard the Dayton RS52.

  • There are many good aluminum or alloy drivers out there, just not those 3. The L18-4 that Scott used in his Barn Finds sounded good as used, but those are a rare bird and may not suffer the same 3rd order problems of the normal stock L18-8.
    Now back to our regular thread...

  • edited June 2023

    @VCORPUZ23 said:
    People are not honest anymore. This tweeter had great reviews!! Even hifi compass! Then you.. lol " it sounds cheap and broken 🤣! Then I heard it myself!

    Why chalk this up to dishonesty? I've used the tweeter for several years and liked it just fine. It measures well. Others (besides me) have obviously liked it in Zaph's designs.

    IMO this is a good place to apply occam's razor. What's more likely; a matter of different tastes, QC issues at Peerless, or people lying/trying to mislead about a budget tweeter?

  • Mine measured well both impedance and spl but soundwise, it sucked big time! I already returned them. Believe me I had good hopes on this tweeter.

  • Lots of dishonest people out there.

  • @VCORPUZ23 said:
    Lots of dishonest people out there.

    Be specific. Who are the 'dishonest people' in this situation?

    Zaph? HifiCompass? Me?

  • Objective data is about as honest as it gets. Zaph and Hificompass have provided this. Interpretation is up to the end user. Hificompass data shows that the DQ25 hits a brick wall at high SPL <~2.5kHz, so best to crossover high or with high filter slope, with some attention to detail around its high 1400Hz Fs. It was a high value tweeter it its day, priced at a mere $16 in 2008.

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • @VCORPUZ23 said:

    What happened to using this tweeter? I know JR suggested it might be a step above the midwoofer, but it's not like this is a $100 tweeter or anything. He mentioned being hard to work with, but I interpreted that as the mid and not the tweeter.

  • @a4eaudio said:

    What happened to using this tweeter? I know JR suggested it might be a step above the midwoofer, but it's not like this is a $100 tweeter or anything. He mentioned being hard to work with, but I interpreted that as the mid and not the tweeter.

    I'm saving it for another midwoofer I have in mind.

  • Yes, the midwoofer is a PITA.

    I have a signature.
  • @VCORPUZ23 said:
    Lots of dishonest people out there.

    Not in this case. Much like there is a beer for everybody, there is a tweeter for everybody.

    I have a signature.
  • @jr@mac said:
    Yes, the midwoofer is a PITA.

    True. I was really planning to get the Beston tweeter that Ben used previously on his speakers but after reading your experience with this midwoofer and others,.. that a low crossover point is a must. The project is on hold for now. I can't decide on what tweeter to use. The Peerless DX20 can do the job but I already used it on my WB-6..

  • @jr@mac said:

    Not in this case. Much like there is a beer for everybody, there is a tweeter for everybody.

    I worded it wrong.. I agree. When it comes to sound, everything is about preference. Although I am a fan of metal domes,.. this tweeter did not meet my requirements.

  • @BrannigansLaw said:

    Be specific. Who are the 'dishonest people' in this situation?

    Zaph? HifiCompass? Me?

    I worded it wrong, my apologies.

  • Finally found the tweeter!

  • @VCORPUZ23 said:
    Finally found the tweeter!

    That is a great tweeter.

    I have a signature.
  • I have a couple of KT-1 tweeters on the shelf. I couldn't get them to sound good with the KW-1 so I replaced them with the MDT 22. Morel should not even try to make budget drivers.

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