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  • LMT on the little two way.

    I have a signature.
  • Very workable right here:

    Seven components, not the flattest around but some of that is the untreated baffle edge:

    Distortion, SPL accurate 1/2M. Woofer rises quite a bit in the bass region but is low enough in the mids to get me excited about using it as a dedicated midrange:

    I'm going to park this and revisit after giving my ears a break. Been at it for three hours this morning.

    I have a signature.

  • Will start this tomorrow.

    I have a signature.
  • This one is falling together pretty good. Here is a sim so far:

    I have not wired this up but it does show what the drivers will be capable of.

    I have a signature.
  • Turns out the little AMT fits good enough in the dome tweeter cutout... Probably a mm oversized, but close enough to test.

    I have a signature.
  • Never mind, one was DOA.

    Moving on, started dicking with it before and after dinner, and after quite a bit of leg work came up with this:

    It sounds pretty good, too. The midrange especially shines.

    I have a signature.
  • Looks great!

  • I ordered some NPE for this one, the 80uF in two spots would account for half the XO board lol.

    Back to the little feller. Going with the copper nipple on that one.

    I have a signature.
  • Here is a sim of the 4" 2-way. Similar response to the measured 4-way. Should be similarly voiced, even with a different tweeter:

    I'll wire it up and do some LMT after the wife wakes up this morning.

    Happy Sunday, all!

    I have a signature.
  • ugly_woofer
    I have a signature.
  • Those naked nips need tassels, how about Tassels for a name?

  • NipponDent,So . . .

  • @Wolf said:
    Those naked nips need tassels, how about Tassels for a name?

    Or just Nipples or Nip L's or gold tips or G Nips or.....sorry just a tangent.

  • Grace Jones vibes!

  • They have working names which I will share later. These are designs intended to demonstrate what the drivers are capable of and are not necessarily meant to be reproducible as-is. They will be such, but will be in the future.

    I have a signature.
  • @Wolf said:
    Those naked nips need tassels, how about Tassels for a name?

    look like pasties to me

  • These are better than they have a right to be.

    I have a signature.

  • ~1db difference between two tweeters. Midrange is very nice, natural sounding. Bass is solid. These turned out pretty nice.

    I have a signature.
  • You need a blonde veneer...

  • Yeah maple would be nice!

  • If I could woodwork worth a shit, I would veneer. These might get dirtytex if they are lucky.

    I have a signature.
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