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"Hancocks", VersaBox #5 build, Dayton SIG180-4 and AMTHR-4...



  • I've not had caps deviate like that in terms of value after use in a xover, Nick.

    More or less, I'm going for best sound IMO. I want the best balanced/least bright/dull, more spacious, and good detail resolution with an overall smoothness that nothing sounds out of place.

    It seems the good AMT style drivers to me are capable of this high resolution, massive space and Soundstage, and yet still can deliver a delicacy when required, along with high output potential. BUT- they are picky boogers to get it just right.

    When I built the Nephila, it happened purely by accident that I achieved this state. I had a lot of input to the design obviously, but the last 10% was purely by chance that I used the right parts to get there.

    I guess I'm trying to catch lightning in a bottle- twice, and feel I'm very close.

  • I'm using the Nephila's as references to voice new speaker builds. Look forward to see if you can do that again! :+1:

  • Why are we weird people? Guess we are all in good company I suppose. Just searching for that perfect thing I guess.

  • Maybe not weird but, yeah need to get to that 9th degree

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